Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



Strength: 3 Alternating Sets

A. Shoulder Press

  • Repetitions: 3 (with a 21X1 tempo)

  • Rest: 1 minute

B. Strict Pull-Ups

  • Goal: Maximum reps (up to 10 per set)

  • Rest: 1 minute

C. Ring Push-Ups

  • Goal: Maximum reps (up to 10 per set)

  • Rest: 2 minutes

Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time

  • Exercises per Round:

    • 5 Bar or Box Muscle-Ups (BMU)

    • 15m Dual KB Front Rack Walking Lunge, 24/16kg

    • 15 V-Ups

    • 5 Bar or Box Muscle-Ups (BMU)

      • Rest: 2 minutes between sets.



Workout Routine (3-5 Sets)

  • Walking Lunges: 15.24 meters Double Kettlebell Front Rack, 24/16kg, unbroken

  • Handstand Push-Ups (Kipping): 15 reps

  • GHD Sit-Ups: 20 reps

  • Ring Muscle-Ups: 7 reps

    • Recovery: Rest 3-5 minutes between sets, with an easy spin on the Concept2 Bike

      • Focus: Aim for intensity while prioritizing quality movement and swift transitions. This workout is not scored.

For Reps/Times:

Round 1:

  • Rope Climbs: 2-minute AMRAP, 4.57 meters

    • Rest: 30 seconds

  • Handstand Walk: 120 feet (36.58 meters) in a straight line, unbroken

Rest Period: 3-6 minutes

Round 2:

  • Hybrid Rope Climbs: 2-minute AMRAP, 4.57 meters with a short rope

    • Rest: 30 seconds

  • Handstand Walk: 120 feet (36.58 meters), in 60 feet (18.29 meters) unbroken increments

Rest Period: 3-6 minutes

Round 3:

  • Legless Rope Climbs: 2-minute AMRAP, 4.57 meters

  • Handstand Walk: 120 feet (36.58 meters), in 30 feet (9.14 meters) unbroken increments

Add score breakdown in comments.

Strength and Mobility (6 Rounds)

  • Alternating Pistols: 20-second AMRAP

  • Bar Pull-Overs: 20-second AMRAP

    • Rest: 80 seconds between sets

Mobility and Strength Focus (2 Sets for Quality)

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Monday 11/03/2024


Friday 08/03/2024