Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.



General Warm-Up: 0–5 Minutes

  • Choose any machine (e.g., rower, bike, treadmill) for 5 minutes.

Specific Warm-Up: 5–15 Minutes

  • Pressing Warm-Up
    Perform 2–3 sets of:

    • 1–2/side Rope Strict Pull-Ups

    • 5-second Wall-Facing Handstand (HS) Hold

    • 1–2 Strict Pull-Ups

    • 1–2/side Wall-Facing HS Shoulder Taps

  • Rest for 90 seconds between sets.

Shoulder Press @ Max Load

  • Build to a heavy single rep for the day.

Rope Row + Reach

  • Perform 4 sets of 6 reps (6 complexes/side per set).

  • Adjust foot positioning to ensure controlled reps.

  • Rest as needed between sets.

12-Minute AMRAP

  • 6 Strict Pull ups

  • 20-second Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

  • 4 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 

  • 10 Wall-Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps


This workout emphasizes strict gymnastics strength and is part of a deload week. If movements are too challenging, scale them to easier variations.


  • Stay below failure on all movements.

  • Break sets as needed to prioritize form and control.


Expect this session to challenge your gymnastics strength endurance, not aerobic conditioning.

Extra Credit - Toes-to-Bar Skill Options

Option 1: Beginners (No Experience)

  • Accumulate 3 sets of:

    • 5–8 Arch-to-Hollow Swings: Keep legs straight and together during the arch.

    • 5–8 Arch-to-Knee Tucks: Maintain the same arch; bring knees to hip height during the swing.

    • 5–8 Toes-to-Bar (TTB): Start with straight legs in the arch; bend knees if needed to touch toes.

    • 5–8 TTB Looking Straight Ahead: Avoid looking at the bar; focus forward to stay close and improve breathing.

Option 2: Intermediate (Some Experience)

  • Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes:

    • Minute 1: Row at 2k pace for 55 seconds.

    • Minute 2: Max Toes-to-Bar.

    • Minute 3: Rest.

  • Cap total TTB at 65 reps.



General Warm-Up: 0–5 Minutes

  • 5 minutes on a machine of your choice (rower, bike, etc.).


  • General Warm-Up

Specific Warm-Up: 5–15 Minutes

  • Pressing Warm-Up
    Perform 2–3 sets of:

    • 1–2/side Rope Strict Pull-Ups

    • 2–3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU)

    • 1–2 Strict L-Pull-Ups

    • 1–2 Deficit Wall-Facing Strict HSPU (2")

  • Rest for 90 seconds between sets.

Shoulder Press @ Max Load

  • Build to a heavy single rep for the day.

Weighted Vest Rope Row + Reach

  • Perform 4 sets of 6 reps (6 complexes per side per set).

  • Adjust foot positioning to maintain control during each rep.

  • Rest as needed between sets.

12-Minute AMRAP

  • 6 Strict Rope Pull-Ups

  • 6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

  • 3 Strict L-Pull-Ups

  • 3 Deficit Wall-Facing Handstand Push-Ups (2")

    • 3/side; chin must clear the top hand for rope strict pull-ups.


This workout focuses on strict gymnastics strength as part of a deload week. If movements are too challenging, scale to easier variations while keeping emphasis on strict control and form.


  • Stay below your failure threshold on all movements.

  • Break sets strategically to avoid fatigue.


This session will test your gymnastics strength endurance without emphasizing aerobic conditioning.


Wednesday 27/11/2024


Monday 25/11/2024