Monday 25/11/2024
Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.
General Warm-Up (0-5 minutes)
5 minutes on a machine of choice
General Warm-Up
Snatch Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)
Snatch Warm-Up Drills
Workout-Specific Prep (10-15 minutes)
2-3 sets:
30 seconds Assault Bike (increase pace every 10 seconds to 8/10 RPE)
5-10 crossover singles
2-3 burpees to a 30 cm (12-inch) target
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Snatch Gauntlet
Every 90 seconds until failure:
6 Burpees OTBar + 1 Snatch
Percentage increases: 75% → 78% → 80% → 83% → 85% → 88% → 90% → 93% → 95% → 98%
Back Squats (or Front Squats if applicable)
5 sets:
Every 90 seconds for 7:30 minutes (5 sets total):
3 Back Squats @ 65%
Use 65% of the heavy single from last week.If your Front Squat is significantly weaker, substitute Front Squat instead.
Endurance Conditioning
Every minute for 16 minutes (4 rounds):
Minute 1: Assault Bike for 50 seconds, track calories.
Minute 2: 30-50 Double Unders.
Minute 3: Row for 50 seconds, track calories.
Minute 4: 10 burpees to a 30 cm target.
Intensity Guidelines:
Perform both Assault Bike and Row efforts at 7-8/10 RPE.
This is a deload week. Effort should remain below an 8/10 throughout.
Feel refreshed after the workout, not overly fatigued.
Snatch Gauntlet
Every 90 seconds until failure:
30 Double Unders + 1 Snatch
Weight Progressions:
Male: 84 → 88 → 93 → 98 → 102 → 107 → 111 → 116 → 120 → 125 kg
Female: 59 → 61 → 64 → 66 → 68 → 70 → 73 → 75 → 77 → 79 kg
Strength Work: Back Squats (or Front Squats)
6-8 sets:
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 total sets):
3 Back Squats @ 65%
Bar loaded to 65% of last week's heavy single.If Front Squat is significantly weaker, substitute it for this session.
Setup Recommendation:
Use reverse bands with the smallest available pair.
Conditioning Workout
Every minute for 20 minutes (5 rounds):
Minute 1: Assault Bike for 50 seconds (track calories).
Minute 2: 30-50 crossover single unders.
Minute 3: Assault Bike for 50 seconds (track calories).
Minute 4: 10 burpees to a 30 cm (12-inch) target.
Intensity Guidelines:
Perform both bike efforts at 7-8/10 RPE.
If exceeding 8/10 RPE, reduce jump rope reps or slow bike pace.
This is a deload week. Keep the intensity below an 8/10 effort level.
You should leave this session feeling worked but not fatigued or beat up.
Extra Credit
AMRAP in 2:30
Seated Strict Muscle-Ups
Aim to achieve 50% of your score from Week 1 as a benchmark.
Prioritize quality and control during this deload week.