Monday 16/03/2020
Pull up Strength:
3-4 Sets of:
A. Chin up hold x 10 - 30 seconds
B. Tempo Pull Ups x 2 - 6 (3 seconds descent / Explosive pull up )
C. Scapula pull ups x 10 - 15
Rest 1- 2 minutes between exercises
Hollow Body position throughout
Handstand Push Up Strength:
3 - 4 Sets of:
A. Tempo Piked Handstand Push up x 5
* 3 Seconds Slow down Explosive Push up
B. Piked Hand Stand Shoulder taps x 10
C. Piked Hand Stand Hold x 10 - 30 seconds
Rest 1- 2 minutes between exercises
For time:
1600m Run
40 v-ups
40 Push ups
1200m Run
30 v-ups
30 Push ups
800m Run
20 v-ups
20 Push ups
400m Run
10 v-ups
10 Push ups
Post times on Instagram Stories
Important Note: If you are using the Pull up bar Outside the the gym make sure That you clean it with an antiseptic Spray before and after you use it.