Friday 28/08/2020

Session 1

Part A

5 Sets of

Back Squat x 5,5,4,3,3


Part B (Strength Endurance)

Complete as many rounds as possible
in 20 minutes of:

12 Bench presses @60/40kg

1-2 Rope Climbs (legless if possible)

12 Weighted Sit ups @20/15kg

Session 2 (Optional)

Part A (Technique)

Ever 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)

3 Position Snatch @70-75%

Part B ( Strength and Power)

5 Sets of

Snatch Pull x 5 @93%

Part C (Strength Gymnastics)

5 Sets of

Def. HSPU x 5

End of program

End of program


Saturday 29/08/2020


Wednesday 26/08/2020