Wednesday 26/04/2023
““Don’t try to prove your worth, show it.” ”
A. EMOM x 9min
M1: 10 Box Jumps *step down each rep
M2: 15 Wall balls shots @9/6kg
M3: 10/8cal Bike
--rest 3min before part B--
B. EMOM x 9min
M1: 16 alt. Front rack reverse lunges @30/20kg
M2: 12/10cal Row
M3: 12 Split Jumps + 12 Air Squats
C. Optional:
Complete 3 alternating sets of:
C1. 8 Barbell Deficit Deadlifts with a 2" deficit and an 8/10 RPE.
C2. 5-7 Nordic Hamstring Curls with assistance from the upper body if needed to complete reps without stopping.
C3. 20-30 Seated banded hamstring curls
A. Find a 1RM Hang Power Clean from any position.
B. Complete 30 Box Jumps with a height of 90/75cm, stepping down after each rep.
C. As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 5 minutes:
-15 Wall Ball Shots with a weight of 12/9kg.
-10/8 calories on the BikeErg.
Rest for 2 minutes and 30 seconds before moving to part D.
D. As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 5 minutes:
- 15m Front-Racked Barbell Walking Lunge with a weight of 43/30kg.
- 12/10 calories on the Rowing machine.
Rest for 2 minutes and 30 seconds before moving to part E.
E. As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 5 minutes:
- 10 Split Jumps
- 2 Shuttle Runs of 15m each
- 10 Air Squats
- 2 Shuttle Runs of 15m each
Complete 3 alternating sets of:
F1. 8 Barbell Deficit Deadlifts with a 2" deficit and an 8/10 RPE.
F2. 5-7 Nordic Hamstring Curls with assistance from the upper body if needed to complete reps without stopping.
F3. 20-30 Seated banded hamstring curls