Wednesday 19/04/2023

“The more you practice, the luckier you get.”
— - Gary Player




Α. 4 alternating sets of:

A1. Snatch Lift off *Hold for 5 seconds at midthigh

A2. 3reps (1.1.1) Hang Power Snatches

*rest 5-10 seconds between reps

*build to todays  max cluster

*go every 2:30min

B. EMOM x 16min (2 Rounds)

M1:  15/12 Cal C2 @ 10/8 damper standing 

M2: 30 Sec Goblet squat hold (90 degrees)

M3: 10 Front Squats @ 40% of 1RM

M4: Rest

M5: 12/9 Cal Row @ 10/8 Damper standing 30 Sec Wall Sit (90 degress, feet flat)

M6: 30 Sec Goblet squat hold (90 degrees)

M7: 20 Walking Lunge Steps @with the KB)

M8: Rest

Followed by...

3 Rounds of

300m Run

50 Double Unders

C. Extra Work Barbell Hip Thrust

3 sets of 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds between sets

D. Extra Work

3-4 sets of 5 muscle up complex:

1 arch to hollow swing on Rings

1 Jumping RMU from Box

1 ring dip with

-rest 2min-




Α. 4 alternating sets of:

A1. Snatch Lift off *Hold for 5 seconds at midthigh

A2. 3reps (1.1.1) Hang Power Snatches

*rest 5-10 seconds between reps

*build to todays  max cluster

Rest 1 minute

B. Landmine Full Contact Twists

3 sets of 5 reps/side

Rest 2 minutes between

C. Barbell Hip Thrust

3 sets of 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds between sets

D. Every 4:00 x 6-8 alternating sets:

D1. 20/15 Cal C2 @ 10/8 damper standing 

30 Sec Wall Sit (90 degrees)

10 Front Squats @ 40% of 1RM

D2. 20/15 Cal C2 @ 10/8 Damper standing 30 Sec Wall Sit (90 degress, feet flat)

30 Sec Wall Sit (90 degrees)

20 Walking Lunge Steps @ 50/35lbs - 22,5/15kg DBs (farmers)

Followed by....

10min Clock:

1min Run@ 70-80% max HR

1min Bike @ 70-80% max HR

E. Extra Work

3-4 sets: AMRAP of muscle up complex:

1 arch to hollow swing


1 ring dip with "sweep back" dip

-rest 2-4 min-