Let the sun be your spotlight, and the earth your stage, as you discover the true ecstasy of moving finding your bliss under the open sky.




A. Clean and Jerk:

- 2 sets of 1.1.1 reps @ 77-87% 1RM

- Rest as needed, 30 seconds between singles

B. Front Squat:

- 1-2 sets, starting at 85% 3RM

- 1 rep, rest 30 sec, 2 reps, rest 30 sec, 3 reps, rest 30 sec

- Add 1 rep until 8-9/10 RPE, leave 1-2 reps in the tank

C. Barbell Bench Press:

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 85% Percentages are based on your 3-rep max (3RM)

- Set 2: 3 reps @ 95%

- Set 3: Max reps @ 105%

- Set 4: 5 reps @ 85%

- Rest 1minute then

False Grip Strict Ring Pull-Up x Max Reps

- Sets 1 and 2: Stop 2 reps before failure

- Sets 3 and 4: Stop 1 rep before failure

Optional Extra work

3 sets of:

Front foot elevated goblet split squats x 10/side with 15sec hold at the bottom of the last rep

Weighted GHD hip extentions x 10reps

-rest 90sec between exercises-

False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Bike for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP Row calories in the remaining time




A. Shoulder/Wrist Prep (3 sets):

- 8-10 reps of Reverse Push-Ups on Wrists (knees supported)

- 5-15 seconds of False Grip Passive Hang with ring turnout

B. False Grip Strict Ring Pull-Up:

- 4 sets of max reps

- Rest for 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets

- Sets 1 and 2: Stop 2 reps before failure

- Sets 3 and 4: Stop 1 rep before failure

C. Barbell Bench Press:

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 85%

- Set 2: 3 reps @ 95%

- Set 3: Max reps @ 105%

- Set 4: 5 reps @ 85%

- Rest as needed

- Use AMRAP (-1) for the maximum reps set

- Percentages are based on your 3-rep max (3RM)

- If you're tired or struggling to hit the percentages, use 5% less than your 3RM from testing

D. Alternating Sets (3 sets):

E1. False Grip Chest-to-Rings Hold:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

E2. False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

F. Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Row for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP C2 Bike calories in the remaining time

G. Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Bike for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP Row calories in the remaining time


Wednesday 07/06/2023


Monday 05/06/2023