Tuesday 06/06/2023

Let the sun be your spotlight, and the earth your stage, as you discover the true ecstasy of moving finding your bliss under the open sky.




A. Clean and Jerk:

- 2 sets of 1.1.1 reps @ 77-87% 1RM

- Rest as needed, 30 seconds between singles

B. Front Squat:

- 1-2 sets, starting at 85% 3RM

- 1 rep, rest 30 sec, 2 reps, rest 30 sec, 3 reps, rest 30 sec

- Add 1 rep until 8-9/10 RPE, leave 1-2 reps in the tank

C. Barbell Bench Press:

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 85% Percentages are based on your 3-rep max (3RM)

- Set 2: 3 reps @ 95%

- Set 3: Max reps @ 105%

- Set 4: 5 reps @ 85%

- Rest 1minute then

False Grip Strict Ring Pull-Up x Max Reps

- Sets 1 and 2: Stop 2 reps before failure

- Sets 3 and 4: Stop 1 rep before failure

Optional Extra work

3 sets of:

Front foot elevated goblet split squats x 10/side with 15sec hold at the bottom of the last rep

Weighted GHD hip extentions x 10reps

-rest 90sec between exercises-

False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Bike for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP Row calories in the remaining time




A. Shoulder/Wrist Prep (3 sets):

- 8-10 reps of Reverse Push-Ups on Wrists (knees supported)

- 5-15 seconds of False Grip Passive Hang with ring turnout

B. False Grip Strict Ring Pull-Up:

- 4 sets of max reps

- Rest for 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets

- Sets 1 and 2: Stop 2 reps before failure

- Sets 3 and 4: Stop 1 rep before failure

C. Barbell Bench Press:

- Set 1: 5 reps @ 85%

- Set 2: 3 reps @ 95%

- Set 3: Max reps @ 105%

- Set 4: 5 reps @ 85%

- Rest as needed

- Use AMRAP (-1) for the maximum reps set

- Percentages are based on your 3-rep max (3RM)

- If you're tired or struggling to hit the percentages, use 5% less than your 3RM from testing

D. Alternating Sets (3 sets):

E1. False Grip Chest-to-Rings Hold:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

E2. False Grip Passive Hang with Turn Out:

- Hold for maximum duration

- Rest for 1 minute

F. Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Row for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP C2 Bike calories in the remaining time

G. Every 8 minutes, 2 sets:

6-minute clock:

- Bike for 40/32 calories

- AMRAP Row calories in the remaining time