Saturday 03/06/2023
“Training sessions are not always about entertainment; they are meant to forge your character.”
2 Super sets
Single Arm Seated Banded Rows:
- 7-9 reps per side
- Rest: 15 seconds
- 3 Reps in Reserve (or use cable row)
Wide Grip Feet Assisted Pull-Ups (2011 tempo):
- 9-11 reps
- Rest as needed
- 3 Reps in Reserve (use feet to help finish reps with full range of motion or use lat pulldown)
- 2:30 on/2:30 off x 3 rounds
-15/10 Cal Rows
- 15 Box Jumps (24/20" box)
In the remaining time, perform the maximum number of reps of the complex:
- 1 Clean
- 1 Front Squat
- 1 Jerk
- Weight: 52/36 kg
Optional Work
Seated Elbow on Knee Banded Bicep Curl:
- 2 sets of 10-12 reps
- Rest: 1 minute between sets
- Control the movement through full range of motion
- 2 Reps in Reserve
3 Super sets:
- Set 1: 6 reps at 80% of 3 RM
- Set 2: 5 reps at 85% of 3 RM
- Set 3: 4 reps at 90% of 3 RM
- Rest: 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull-Ups:
- Rest as needed
2 Super sets
Single Arm Seated Banded Rows:
- 7-9 reps per side
- Rest: 15 seconds
- 3 Reps in Reserve (or use cable row)
Wide Grip Feet Assisted Pull-Ups (2011 tempo):
- 9-11 reps
- Rest as needed
- 3 Reps in Reserve (use feet to help finish reps with full range of motion or use lat pulldown)
Seated Elbow on Knee Banded Bicep Curl:
- 2 sets of 10-12 reps
- Rest: 1 minute between sets
- Control the movement through full range of motion
- 2 Reps in Reserve
Pistol Complex:
- 5 "1 1/4" Pistols
- 5 Pistols at a tempo of 22x1
- 5 Pistols as fast as possible
- Repeat for 3 sets per leg
- Rest as needed between sets
- 2:30 on/1:30 off x 3 rounds
- 20/15 Calorie Skierg
- 20 Box Jumps (24/20" box)
- In remaining time, perform maximum reps of the complex:
- 1 Snatch
- 1 Overhead Squat
- 1 Hang Squat Snatch
- 1 Overhead Squat
- Weight: 52/36 kg
Extra - Run (or Alternative Option):
- Run for 45 minutes at an easy/steady pace (3-4/10 RPE)
- If new to running volume, start with 35-40 minutes
- Track total distance covered and average mile pace
- Avoid distractions and pace using a watch
Alternative Option:
- 6 sets of:
- 1 km Bike Erg, Row, or Ski (2 km Bike Erg)
- Rest: 1 minute between sets
- Rest: 3 minutes between sets 3 and 4
- Aim for the same pace as last week