Friday 21/04/2023

“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.”
— - Jillian Michaels




A.Back Squat

Set 1

5 reps @ 65%

Set 2

5 reps @ 75%

Set 3

Max reps @ 85% *1RiR

-rest 2 minutes between sets-

B. EMOM x 5min

6 Wall Facing Shoulder taps

C. 3sets of:

6 DB Strict Press + 6 DB Push Press - single arm

*finish one side before moving on to the other one

-rest 1min bt sides-

D.2 total sets:

2 Rounds of : Run 800m

-rest 90 seconds between rounds-

-- rest as needed between sets--




A.Within 15 minutes:

3 Below Knee Pause Squat Snatches @ Max Load

*Find a tough strong/technical triple in a 45 sec window - 2 sec pause at knee on each rep

B.Back Squat

Set 1

5 reps @ 65%

Set 2

5 reps @ 75%

Set 3

Max reps @ 85% *1RiR

Rest 2 minutes between sets


6 One Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Presses + 6 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Presses

*build to a 6RM by the third set

*complex is per arm per set

*rest 30 seconds between sides

Rest 30 seconds


Max Wall walks for 30 seconds

*Build to a tough single by the 3rd set

Rest 30 seconds


10 Bent Over Thumbs Up Dumbbell Reverse Flies

Rest as needed

D. 3 total sets:

Run 800m @ 3-5 sec per 400m slower than repeat test

rest 90 seconds

x2 rounds

-- rest as needed between sets--

E. Optional

3 alternating sets of:


L-Sit for Max Duration

Rest 20 seconds


Max Toes to Bars

*25 rep cap

Rest 20 seconds


10 Toes to Bars

Rest 3 minutes