Saturday 30/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Pause Snatch Deadlifts

  • Frequency: Every 90 seconds for 5:30 minutes (3 sets)

  • Details: Perform 3 3-Position Pause Snatch Deadlifts at 65-80% intensity.

    • Pause for 3 seconds 5 cm off the ground, at the knee, and mid-thigh.

Snatch Complex

  • Sets: 3

  • Intensity: 60-65%

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Complex: Hang Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 

Overhead Squat

  • Sets: 2 of 10 reps

  • Tempo: 3311

  • Rest: As needed

  • Focus: Light loading for technical proficiency and balance.

Front Squat

  • Sets: 3 of 5 reps

  • Intensity: 70%

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets


  • 5 rounds for time.

  • Exercises:

    • 300m Run

    • 15 Toes-to-Bar (TTB)

    • 15 Hand Release Push-Ups

  • Time Cap: 18 minutes

  • Substitution: V-ups for TTB if needed.


A. Main Conditioning

  • 3 Rounds for Time

    • 30 Alternating Pistols

    • 20 Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overheads @ 22.5/16 kg

    • 10 Muscle-Ups

  • Time Cap: 15 minutes

B. Strength: Pause Bench Presses

  • Frequency: Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets)

  • Details: Perform 3 reps at 35-50% intensity with 2sec pause at the chest.

C. Conditioning:

  • Part 1: 2 Rounds for Time

    • 3/2 Legless Rope Climbs (4.5 meters)

    • 25 Strict Ring Dips

    • 100 Crossover Single Unders

    • Rest: 4 minutes before Part 2

  • Part 2: 2 Rounds for Time

    • 6 Rope Climbs (4.5 meters)

    • 30 Hand Release Push-Ups

D. Skill and Technique

E. Extra Credit: Bike Erg Progressions

  • 20 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

    • 15/10 Calories Bike Erg for Time

    • Rest: 30 seconds after each set

  • The score is total calories completed.

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.