Monday 01/04/2024

GYM CLOSED - Open Gym Only Between 9a.m. - 11a.m.


GYM CLOSED - Open Gym Only Between 9a.m. - 11a.m. 〰️

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


A. Eccentric Strict Pull-Up

  • Frequency: Every 60-90 seconds for 8-10 repetitions.

  • Instruction: Perform 1 eccentric strict pull-up as slowly as possible, with a maximum duration of 15 seconds per repetition.

    • Progression: If last week you controlled the descent for 15 seconds, add a 5-10 kg (10-15 pound) dumbbell between your legs this week.

  • Visual Guide: Eccentric Pull-Up video.

B. Feet Elevated Ring Rows

  • Frequency: Every 90 seconds for 4 sets.

  • Instruction: Perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) minus one of feet elevated ring rows with a 1-second hold at the top of each rep, up to a 15 rep cap.

  • Visual Guide: Feet Elevated Ring Row video.

C. 3 Alternating Sets

  1. Ring Support Hold

    • Duration: 24 seconds total, divided into two 12-second segments.

    • Rest: As needed. Use a band if necessary to keep the segments unbroken (UB).

  2. Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

    • Duration: 24 seconds total, divided into two 12-second segments.

    • Rest: As minimal as needed between 12-second bouts to keep them UB.

D. Reverse snow Angels

Sets: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

  • Rest: As needed, holding the top of each rep for 1 second.

  • Weight: Use 1.5 kg - 2 kg  (2.5 lb) plates per side.

E. Rear Foot Elevated Goblet Split Squat (2121 Tempo)

  • Sets: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Rest: As needed, maintaining a high tempo focus.

  • Weight: Use the same load as last week but aim for more reps.

F. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (2121 Tempo)

  • Sets: 3 sets of 12 reps.

  • Rest: As needed, focus on hip hinge and glute activation.

  • Weight: Use the same load as last week but aim for more reps.

G. Extra Credit - Row Progressions

  • Instruction: Complete a 2000-meter row at a pace as close to last week’s as possible.

    • Rest: 3 minutes.

    • Repeat twice.

    • Effort Cap: 8/10 intensity.

Rest 10 Minutes

H. Max Calorie Row

  • Frequency: Every 2.5 minutes for 3 sets.

  • Instruction: 30 seconds of maximum effort rowing for calories.

  • Note: Do not pace this; start strong and maintain intensity.



  • Sets/Reps: 5 sets of 1 rep at 85-92% intensity.

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

    • Note: Begin attempts once you're lifting above 83%.

Back Squat 

  • Set 1: 3 reps at 73% intensity.

  • Set 2: 3 reps at 83% intensity.

  • Set 3: Max reps at 93% intensity, aiming for as many reps as possible minus one (AMRAP -1).

  • Rest: 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets.

Snatch Pull

  • Sets/Reps: 3 sets of 3 reps at 75-85% intensity.

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

    • Focus: Speed.

For Time Interval Workout (45 seconds on/15 seconds off):

  1. Handstand Walk: 30 meters.

  2. Wall Ball Shots: 50 reps at 3 meters, using 12/9 kg balls.

  3. Kipping Handstand Push-Ups: 30 reps.

  4. Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps: 40 steps with 22.7/15.9 kg.

  5. Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-Ups: 20 reps at 9/5 cm.

  6. Dual Dumbbell Front Squats: 30 reps with 22.5/15 kg.

  7. Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push-Ups: 10 reps.

    • Intent: Emulate a Quarterfinal (QF) style workout focusing on upper body pressing and knee flexion movements.

    • Target: Strategize based on strengths and weaknesses for optimal performance.

    • Feel: Intense session, structured as intervals to prepare for an upcoming QF simulation.

Accessory Work - 2-3 Sets

  1. KB Single arm sots press

    • Reps: 5 per side.

  2. Reverse Lunge to Cossack Squat Complex

    • Reps: 5 per side.

    • Rest: As needed between exercises.

Extra Credit: Ring Muscle Up Progressions

  • Sets: 3-5.

  • Routine:

    • 30 Crossover Single Unders.

    • 45% max unbroken (UB) ring muscle-ups.

    • 30 Double Unders.

    • 45% max UB bar muscle-ups.

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets.

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.