Friday 15/04/2022




Back Squat

4sets x 4reps

*all sets @70-75% of 1rm

*rest 2min between sets

Interval Training

2 Rounds (6 Total Intervals - A-B-C-A-B-C)

Interval A

For time

12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Pull ups or toes to bar

DB Shoulder to OH @2x22.5/15kg

Rest 3min

Interval B

For Time

12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Dumbell hang Power Cleans @2x22.5/15kg

Dumbell facing burpees

Rest 3min

Interval C

For Time

12 - 9 - 6 - 3

DB Step overs @2x22,5/15kg

Double Unders x 40(fixed)

Rest 3min

*you have a timecap of 30min to complete all intervals

Optional Additional Work


Single arm plank on ring video

4 x 20sec/each

*rest 90sec between sets