
Weighted Pull-Up:

  • Set 1: 5 reps

  • Set 2: 3 reps

  • Set 3: 1 rep

  • Set 4: 5 reps

  • Set 5: 3 reps

  • Set 6: 1 rep

Rest 2 minutes between sets. Second wave should be heavier than the first. Start around 65% of your 1RM from last week.

For Time:

  • KB Suitcase Carry 400 meters @ 32/24 kg (switch hands every 100m)

    • Modify to 24/16 kg if needed

15-Minute Clock Workout

3 Rounds of:

  • 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

  • 25 Bar Facing Burpees

    • timecap: 10 minutes

In Remaining Time:

  • 3 Rep Max Thruster

Extra Credit - Option 1: Beginner Bar Muscle-Up Skill

Skill Progression: If you began a BMU progression during the foundations cycle, continue it here. Perform 5 reps of each step for quality:

  1. Jump to Pike

  2. Tight and Patient Arch

  3. Toes Rise (spot them)

  4. Hip Drive + Press Down on Bar with Straight Arms

*Note: Each step builds on the previous one. Do not skip steps as you progress.


  • 10-15 minutes practicing spotted bar muscle-ups.

    • Note: Ask a proficient spotter to help you into the rep. Focus on hitting each step. The spotter will assist after the toe rise and during the hip drive and press down, using one arm under the legs and the other on the bar to guide you into the turnover.

Option 2: Intermediate/Advanced Bar Muscle-Up Skill

10-Minute Clock:

  • Accumulate BMUs in singles or doubles, focusing on as close to a straight arm turnover as possible.

    • If coordination is an issue, use the box entry and/or band to continue drilling this skill.


15-Minute Clock Workout

3 Rounds of:

  • 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

  • 25 Bar Facing Burpees

  • Time cap: 10 minutes

In Remaining Time:

  • 3 Rep Max Thruster

Weighted Pull-Up

  • Set 1: 5 reps

  • Set 2: 3 reps

  • Set 3: 1 rep

  • Set 4: 5 reps

  • Set 5: 3 reps

  • Set 6: 1 rep

Rest 2 minutes between sets. The second wave should be heavier than the first. Start around 65% of your 1RM from last week.

Hand Release Deadlift

  • Set 1: 1 rep @ 90%

  • Set 2: Max reps @ 67-72%

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 67-72%

Rest as needed. Build to 90% of your current estimated 1RM, then perform AMRAP (-1) sets. Stop once you're unable to control quality touch-and-go reps. Maintain high speed with no grinding or loss of midline position. Max of 3 seconds between each rep. Focus on a strong setup and leg drive into the floor.

For Time

KB Suitcase Carry:

  • 400 meters @ 32/24 kg (switch hands every 100m)

    • Modify to 24/16 kg if needed

Extra Credit

Part 1: Wall Facing Handstand Shrugs


  • 5 sets of 5 reps

  • Rest 30 seconds between sets

Hold for 10 seconds at the 'top' of each rep. Press hard through scaps/shoulders/hands during the hold.

Part 2: Wall Facing Handstand Hip Taps


  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  • Rest as needed

Alternate reps (4-5/side). Perform smooth, controlled reps. Press the planted hand hard into the ground.

Part 3: Handstand Walk

For Time:

  • Handstand Walk 76 meters

    • Done in 15-meter unbroken sections. If you have to rest longer than 30 seconds between lengths, lower to 7.5-meter unbroken sections.

Part 4: Wall Walks

Every Minute for 5 Minutes (5 Rounds):

  • Max Wall Walks for 30 seconds

    • 6-inch elevation on the final step.


Monday 08/07/2024


Friday 05/07/2024