Friday 05/07/2024
Snatch Lift Off + Snatch + Overhead Squat
Sets: 5 sets
Weight: 68-84% of 1RM
Rest: As needed
Technique: Focus on maintaining strong positions. Hold for 1 second off the floor during the snatch lift-off (5 cm).
Back Squat
Set 1: 3 reps at 70%
Set 2: 3 reps at 80%
Set 3: Max reps at 90% (up to 12 reps)
Rest: As needed
AMRAP (-1) for max rep sets
No more than a 3-second pause between reps
If detrained, start with 5-10% below your 1RM to ensure success with the percentages
21-15-9 for Time
Toes to Bar
Barbell Shoulder to Overhead @ 52/34 kg
Rest: 3 minutes then
21-15-9 for Time
Push ups
Rest: 3 minutes between then
Extra Credit - 5 One Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Presses @ Max Load
Instructions: Find a 5RM per side. Rest fully between sides.
Alternate Approach: If you lack varied dumbbells, find a rep max on each set with the heaviest dumbbell available. Compare to Week 1 results.
5 One Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Presses @ Max Load
Instructions: Find a 5RM per side. Rest fully between sides.
Alternate Approach: If you lack varied dumbbells, find a rep max on each set with the heaviest dumbbell available. Compare to Week 1 results.
Snatch Lift Off + Snatch + Overhead Squat
Sets: 8 sets
Weight: 68-84% of 1RM
Rest: As needed
Technique: Focus on strong positions. Hold for 1 second off the floor during the snatch lift-off (5 cm).
Back Squat
Set 1: 3 reps at 70%
Set 2: 3 reps at 80%
Set 3: Max reps at 90% (up to 12 reps)
Set 4: 3 reps at 80%
Set 5: Max reps at 70%
Rest: As needed
AMRAP (-1) for max rep sets
No more than a 3-second pause between reps
If detrained, start with 5-10% below your 1RM to ensure success with the percentages
Part 1: 21-15-9 for Time
SkiErg for calories (18-12-6 cals for Females)
Strict Handstand Push-Up for reps
Rest: 5 minutes before Part 2
Part 2: 21-15-9 for Time
SkiErg for calories (18-12-6 cals for Females)
Toes to Bar for reps
Rest: 5 minutes before Part 3
Part 3: 21-15-9 for Time
SkiErg for calories (18-12-6 cals for Females)
Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead @ 23 kg / 16 kg
Intent and Target
Intent: This is week 6 of our upper body pressing endurance progressions. This week features three separate couplets as a "tester."
Target: Treat this like a qualifier-style competition. Pre-plan your strategy and execute it during the workout.
Feel: This should feel like an intense qualifier-style event.
Core Work: 3 Alternating Sets
A: 15 Pike Leg Lifts
Rest: 30 seconds
B: 20 V-Ups
Rest: 90 seconds