Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.


A. Warm-Up

0-5 mins: General Warm-Up

5-10 mins: Snatch Warm-Up

10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2-3 Sets of:

  • 9 sec Assault Bike Sprint (3 sec ramp up, 3 sec @ 100%, 3 sec ramp down)

  • 3-4 Burpee Box Jumps

    • Rest: 90 sec active recovery on bike at an easy pace.

B. 10-minutes Skill Work: Ring Muscle-Up Progressions (Choose Option 1 or 2)

Option 1: "Got None" (Fundamental Muscle-Up Progressions)

  1. 2 "small" ring swings into 1 "max-effort" ring swing x 4
    Focus: Reach with toes in the arch position, keeping legs and knees straight.

  2. 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing x 4
    Focus: Maintain a straight body line, adding hip drive during the transition.

  3. 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing + aggressive pull to shoulders x 4
    Focus: Aim to get shoulders as high as possible (shoulders > hips > knees).

  4. 2-position jumping muscle-ups x 6
    Rest: 30-60 sec between sets
    Focus: Shoulders remain the highest point; hips should stay open.

Option 2: "Got Some" (Muscle-Up Conditioning)

Every 3 mins x 4 sets:

  • 16/12 cal row

  • Max Ring Muscle-Ups for remaining 90 sec
    Cap of 20 reps per set

C. Strength (Timecap: 10-minutes for both Parts)

A: Build to a Snatch Single @ 80%
Intent: Develop snatch mechanics and nervous system priming before performing snatches under fatigue.
Immediately followed by…

B: 3 Back Squats @ Max Load
*Build to a heavy triple for the day (aim for a challenging load, not necessarily 3RM).
Alternative: If your Front Squat is notably weaker than your Back Squat, opt for a Front Squat here.
Intent: This aggressive setup aims to build top-end strength throughout the training cycle.

D. Power Endurance

3 Sets:

  • 1:15 min Clock:

    • 15 sec Assault Bike Sprint

    • Max Burpee Box Jumps at 24"/20" (remaining time)

Rest: 4 mins between sets (active recovery on Assault bike at an easy pace).
Score: Total calories on the bike + total burpee box jumps.

Performance Notes and Targets

  • Power Endurance Sets: Limit to 1 drop in output. If pace drops on 2 sets, end the session.

    • Elite: Maintain under 4 sec per BBJ rep.

    • Rx: Maintain under 5 sec per BBJ rep.

    • Intermediate: Maintain under 6 sec per BBJ rep; aim for a minimum of 10 BBJs per round. Lower box height if pace cannot be sustained.


A. Warm-Up

0-5 mins: General Warm-Up

  • 5 mins: Machine of choice (e.g., rower, bike, or treadmill)

  • General Warm-Up

5-10 mins: Snatch Warm-Up

  • Focus on shoulder mobility, hip extension, and grip position.

10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2-3 Sets of:

  • 9 sec Assault Bike Sprint (3 sec ramp up, 3 sec at 100%, 3 sec ramp down)

  • 3-4 Burpee Box Jumps
    Rest: 90 sec active recovery on easy pace bike.

B. Snatch Technique

Within 10 mins: Build to a Single Snatch at 80%
Intent: Linear progression; primes the nervous system for snatches under fatigue.

C. Snatch Under Fatigue

4 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 Shuttle Runs (50 ft per shuttle, 2x25 ft each, Open standards)

  • 5 Snatches at 75% (perform as singles)

Rest: 2 mins between each round

  • 3 min cap per round

  • Target Time: Shuttle runs under 1:15; clean snatch technique on each rep.

  • Intent: Introduce fatigue-based lifting; aim for moderate, sustainable effort on shuttles and consistent technique on snatches.

D. Strength: Back Squat

3 Reps @ Max Effort Load
Build to a challenging triple (not a true 3RM).

  • Alternative: Substitute with Front Squat if significantly weaker.

  • Intent: Aggressive setup to develop top-end strength over this cycle.

E. Power Endurance Progression

3-5 Sets:

  • 1:15 min Clock:

    • 15 sec Assault Bike Sprint

    • Max Burpee Box Jumps (30"/24") in remaining time

Rest: 4 mins between sets (active recovery on bike at an easy pace).
Scoring: Total calories on bike + total burpee box jumps.
Performance Goals:

  • Elite: <4 sec per BBJ rep

  • Rx: <5 sec per BBJ rep

  • Intermediate: <6 sec per BBJ rep; aim for 10 reps minimum.

  • Modify Box Height: If unable to maintain rep speed.

Intent: Build power endurance, focusing on consistency. One drop in output allowed; if pace drops in 2 sets, stop the session.

Extra Credit (Optional Handstand Skill Development)

Part 1: Freestanding Handstand Hold (Test)

  • Goal: Max Duration
    Safety Tip: Use a wall to kick up initially if inexperienced, then balance freestanding.
    Intent: Benchmark test; progression will build control for CrossFit standard handstand holds.

Part 2: Freestanding Handstand Push-Up (Test)

  • For Time: 10 Freestanding Handstand Push-Ups

    • Use a 25 ft lane with markers every 5 ft; turn around after 5 reps.

    • Intent: Initial assessment using CrossFit Games standard.

Part 3: Handstand Stag Drill

  • 8 Sets of 30 sec Holds

    • Switch leg position each alternate set (4 sets per side).

    • Focus: Building stability in various leg positions.

Part 4: Frog Stand to Headstand

  • 4 Sets of 10 Reps

    • Rest: 1 min between sets

    • Focus: Slow, controlled transitions for upper body stability.

Part 5: Handstand Walk and Stop Drill

  • 4-6 Sets:

    • 4 ft walk into a controlled hold with head over target.

    • Rest: 2 mins between sets

    • Goal: Control forward momentum and precision in target stopping.


Tuesday 5/11/2024


Introducing the 2024 Winter Training Cycle!