Wednesday 16/09/2020

Session 1

Part A

Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets)

Front Squat x 3


Part B (Aerobic Endurance)

Emom for 42:00 (7 Rounds)

M1: 1-2 Rope Climbs

M2: 4-6 Sandbag or KB Cleans

M3: 8-12 Sand bag or KB Front Rack rev. lunges

M4: 10-14cal Ski-erg

M5: 20m Sandbag or KB Front Rack Carry

M6: 15-20 Sit-ups

Session 2

Part A (Technique )

5 Sets of

2 Position Clean @70%

Part B (Strength)

3 Sets of

Deadlift (snatch grip) x 3

End of program

End of program


Thursday 17/09/2020


Tuesday 15/09/2020