Wednesday 25/11/2020
Session 1
Part A
In a 10:00 Window
Build to Todays Heavy
Clean Complex
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Followed by...
2 Sets @90% of todays heavy Complex
Part B
In a 10:00 Window
Build to Todays Heavy
Front Squat x 3
Followed by..
2 Sets @90% of todays heavy Triple
Part C
2 Rounds (A-B-C-A-B-C)
Interval A
2min AMRAP
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10/7cal Assault Bike
Rest 1:30
Interval B
2min AMRAP
10 Wallball @9/6kg
30 Double Unders
Rest 1:30
Interval C
2min AMRAP
5 Bar Muscle ups
10 alt. 1arm DB Snatch
Rest 1:30
*Maximum effort
*RPE: 9+
Target HRZone: 5
Target Beats Per Minute: 180+ bpm
Target Working Heart Rate in %: 90-100%
End of program