Wednesday 12/08/2020
Part A
Every 1:30 for 7:30 (5 Sets)
Hang Power Snatch + Snatch @60%
Part B
Emom for 5:00 (5 sets)
Box Jump x 2
*Use a taller box than usual
For Time
Assault Bike(cal)
Dumbell Snatch @22,5/15kg
Rest 2min
For Time
Assault Bike(cal)
Warm up
Part A
6:00 Assault bike
Start at a comfortable pace
*Every 2:00 increase the rpm by 2.
Part B
Emom for 6:00 (3 sets)
M1: Max Burpees
M2: Max 1-arm DB Snatch
*On each minute take a big breath before you start your set and hold it. Stop once you breathe for the first time.
End of program