
A. Warmup

0-5 mins: General warmup - Machine of choice

5-10 mins: Snatch Mobility - Snatch warmup (coach choice) 

+ 10-15 mins: Workout specific prep

  • 2 sets:

    • 2-4 Hang Power Cleans

    • 2-4 Front Squats

    • 2-4 Shoulder-to-Overhead (STOH)

    • Increase pace and load each set

B. Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):

  • 3 Snatch Pulls + 2 Hang Squat Snatches @ 80-85%

    • Use 80-85% of last week's complex weight.

    • Short drop/reset between snatch pulls allowed to ensure quality technique.

C. Back Squat:

  • Set 1: 10 reps @ 60%

  • Set 2: 8 reps @ 65%

  • Set 3: 6 reps @ 70%

  • Set 4: 4 reps @ 75%

  • Set 5: 2-4 reps @ 80%

    • Rest as needed.

    • Use your latest tested 1RM.

D. Conditioning

For Time


  • Hang Power Cleans @ 43/29 kg (95/65 lbs)

  • Front Squats @ 43/29 kg (95/65 lbs

  • Shoulder-to-Overhead @ 43/29 kg (95/65 lbs)

    • Rest 1 min between sets.

    • Perform at the fastest sustainable pace possible.

    • All Sets must be unbroken, so adjust the weight if needed and focus on moving 

Extra Credit - Gymnastics / Bar Muscle-Up Skill

Option 1: Got None

Option 2: Got Some

  • Every 90 sec x 5 sets:

    • 45 sec max bar muscle-ups

    • Does not need to be unbroken.


A. Warmup

0-5 mins: General warmup - 5 mins: Machine of choice

5-10 mins: Snatch warmup - Snatch Mobility

+ 10-15 mins: Workout specific prep

  • 2-3 sets:

    • 6/4 cal Echo Bike

    • 2-4 Hang Power Cleans

    • 2-4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups (CTB)

    • 2-4 Deadlifts

    • 2-4 Toes-to-Bar (TTB)

    • Rest 90 seconds: Easy bike

    • Increase pace and load each set

B. Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):

  • 3 Snatch Pulls + 2 Hang Squat Snatches @ 80-85%

    • Use 80-85% of last week's complex weight.

    • Short drop/reset between snatch pulls allowed to ensure quality technique.

C. Back Squat:

  • Set 1: 10 reps @ 60%

  • Set 2: 8 reps @ 65%

  • Set 3: 6 reps @ 70%

  • Set 4: 6 reps @ 75%

  • Set 5: 6 reps @ 80%

    • Rest as needed.

D. (Optional) - Accessory Work

2-3 alternating sets of:

D1: 5 3-Point Patrick Step-Ups

  • 5 reps/each position per side

  • Rest as needed

D2: Single Leg Sorenson Hold for 15-30 seconds

  • 15-30 sec/side per set

  • Rest as needed

E. Conditioning Workouts

Workout 1

2-4 sets:

  • 12/8 cal Echo Bike

  • 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 43/29 kg (95/65 lbs) (Elite = 52/39 kg or 115/85 lbs)

  • 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups (CTB)

  • 12/8 cal Echo Bike

    • Rest 2 min between sets.

    • Perform at the fastest sustainable pace possible.

    • Record round time/split for each set in comments.

Workout 2

2-4 sets:

  • 12/8 cal Echo Bike

  • 10 Deadlifts @ 111/75 kg (245/165 lbs)

  • 12 Toes-to-Bar (TTB)

  • 12/8 cal Echo Bike

    • Rest 2 min between sets.

    • Perform at the fastest sustainable pace possible.

    • Record round time/split for each set in comments.

Intent and Target

Intent: This is Week 2 of the "pace test" progressions.

Target: Your goal is to hold your max sustainable pace for all intervals today. PUSH yourself while also maintaining a sustainable pace.

Feel: This will be very intense, similar to the 2024 Quarterfinal 1 workout.

G. Extra Credit - Gymnastics / Ring Muscle-Up

Part 1

Ring Muscle-Up Steps:

  • 2 "small" ring swings into 1 "max-effort" ring swing x3, rest as needed

    • Focus: Reaching with toes in the arch position. Get as long as possible. Keep legs and knees straight. Use a towel between the feet if needed. Film each rep and watch it back before completing the next set.


  • 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing x3, rest as needed

    • Keep bodyline position from above. Add a hip drive when transitioning into the front swing (if your arms bend and hips drive, it's okay. Focus on the hip drive for this step).

Part 2

3 sets:

  • Skierg 1 min @ 5k effort, into:

    • 10 sec transition

    • 25% AMRAP unbroken ring muscle-ups (UB RMU)

    • Rest 3 min between sets

    • Goal: Fastest time to perform each set unbroken

Part 3

2 alternating sets of:

Max Weighted Ring Dips @ 4.5/2.7 kg (10/6 lbs)

  • AMRAP (-3) each set

  • Rest 10 seconds

Ring Support Hold for 30 seconds

  • Accumulate 30-second support hold on rings (4.5/2.7 kg or 10/6 lbs)

  • Rest 3 minutes


Tuesday 23/07/2024


Saturday 20/07/2024