Monday 04/10/2021

Monday 04/10/2021


3 Rounds for Time

Muscle ups or kipping variation x 65% of Max reps

Power Snatch x 8 @set1: 65% / set2: 60% /set3: 55%

Double Unders x 30-50


3 Sets of:

Sand bag Carry x 20m

Strict Pull ups x 10

*add weight if possible

Ring dips or Close grip push ups x 10

*rest 1min between sets

Optional Additional Conditioning

Rowing Intervals

4 Sets of:

800m Row / Active recovery 2:00

*all sets around your 2K's av. pacing or slightly below

*use bike or ski-erg for your active recovery

*Always complete the Optional Part if you are feeling good. Prioritize recovery listen to your body.

Cool down

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