Tuesday 16/06/2020
Part A:
Every 1:30 for 9:00 (3 Sets)
A: Strict Supinated Pull ups x MAX
B: Weighted Plank x 30sec
Part B:
Every 1:30 for 9:00 (3 Sets)
A: Horizontal Ring Rows x 10
B: Weighted Sit ups x 15
Part A:
(Empty Bar) Every 1:30 for 7:30 (5 sets)
Tall Clean x 3
Part B:
Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets)
Dip Power Snatch x 3 (under 50%)
Every 2:00 for 36:00 (6 Rounds)
St1: Amrap x (5 Str. HSPU + 10 Shuttle runs + 15 toes to bar)
St2: Amrap x (5 Burpes OTRower + 10cal Row + 15 Body weight lunge)
St3: Amrap x (5 KB Snatch @2x16/10kg + 10cal Ski-Erg + 15 KB Russian swings @2x16/10kg)
Note: Please BooK here your Group & Open gym Sessions through our website.
Important: Click here to read all the hygiene rules.
End of program