WEDNESDAY 28/4/2021



4 Sets of:
V-ups x 20, straight into…
Plank x 30-60sec, straight into…
Tuck ups x 10
Rest 1:00 between sets


Every 2:00 for 36:00 (6 rounds)
St1: Running
St2: Burpees + alt. Hang DB Snatch
St3: Pull-ups + alt. Hang DB Clean and Jerk
*You have 2:00 to complete each station.

*Reps and Scaling options
<Running> You can choose to do 400m(1 full lap outside track), 300m(1 full lap inside track green), 200m(from the outdoor area until the front gate and back). Whatever you choose to do should allow you to rest at least 20-30sec before St2.
<Burpees + alt. Hang DB Snatch> You can choose to do between (8-16 x Burpees), (8-16 x alt. Hang DB Snatch @22,5/15kg). Whatever you choose to do should allow you to rest at least 20-30sec before St3.
<Pull ups + alt. Hang DB Clean and Jerk> You can choose to do between (8-16 x Pull-ups or kipping swings), (8-16 x alt. Hang DB Clean and Jerk @22,5/15kg). Whatever you choose to do should allow you to rest at least 20-30sec before St1.

**Tips for pacing
-Don’t start too hot
-Control breathing
-Good reps
-Don’t give up


FRIDAY 30/4/2021


TUESDAY 27/4/2021