Tuesday 29/09/2020

Session 1

Part A

Every 2:00 for 8:00 (4 sets)

Hang Clean x 3,3,2,2 @73%

Part B

Every 2:00 for 10:00 (5 sets)

Push Press x 4,4,3,3,3 @87%

Part C (Anaerobic Endurance)

For time

5 Rounds

5 Power Snatch @60/40kg

10 Burpees OTB

50 Double Unders

Timecap: 13:00

Session 2

Part A (Technique )

5 Sets of

Snatch Balance x 3,3,3,2,2 @78,78,78,82,82%

Part B (Strength Gymnastics)

8:00 Amrap for Quality

DB Rows x 8-10

Ring Push ups x 8-10

End of program

End of program


Wednesday 30/09/2020


Monday 28/09/2020