Tuesday 08/12/2020
Part A.
5 Sets of:
A. Wall Split Squats x 12/each
B. Single leg Goodmornings with broomstick x 12/each
Rest 1-2 Minutes
Part B.
4 Sets of:
A. Tempo Piked HSPU x 5 (51X1)
B. Piked HSPU x 5
C. Piked shoulder Shrugs x 5
D. Piked shoulder taps x 10
E. Pike Hold x 10sec
Flow: Go through the entire piece unbroken before resting 1-2 Minutes.
4 Rounds of:
A. 30sec: Max Push ups
Rest 30sec
B. 30sec: Push up hold
Rest 30sec
C. 30sec: Max Split Jumps
Immediately followed by...
D. 30sec: Wall sit hold
Rest 30sec
E. 30sec: Sliding L-sit to reverse plank *
Rest 30sec
Flow: Go through the entire list (A to E) before starting again from A for total of 4 Rounds.
Equipment: * For gliders use a woollen cloth on a Smooth surface
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay at least 3 m away from each other.