Wednesday 06/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



A. Complete 3 sets of the following circuit as fast as possible:

  • 5 Power Clean and Jerks @ 52/34 kg

  • 5 Box Jumps

  • 4 Hang Power Cleans

  • 5 Box Jumps

    • Rest 3 minutes between sets, emphasizing high effort and fast movement transitions.

B. Clean High Pulls

C. EMOM for 16 Minutes (4 Rounds)

Minute 1: 4-6 Burpee Pull-Ups

Minute 2: 8-12 (Rounds 1&3 - DB OH Rev. Lunges) at 15/10 kg

8-12 (Rounds 2&4 - DB Box Step Ups) at 15/10 kg

Minute 3: 3 Wall Walks

Minute 4: 4-6 (Rounds 1&3 - Shuttle Runs) (15 meters each)

16-24 (Rounds 2&4 - Air Squat)

Workout Intent

This session is designed to prime you for the Open, focusing on movement practice at a lower intensity. Use this opportunity to refine your technique in key exercises.

Target Feel

You should finish feeling energized and ready to take on the challenges of the coming week, with improved confidence in your movement efficiency and speed.



A. Complete 3 sets of the following exercises as quickly as possible:

  • 6 Power Snatches @ 61/43 kg

  • 5 Power Clean and Jerks

  • 4 Hang Power Cleans

  • 3 Squat Snatches

    • Rest: 3-5 minutes between sets, concentrating on vigorous effort and rapid cycling of movements.

B. Strength 

Every 45 seconds for 4:30 (6 sets): 

Perform 3 Clean High Pulls @ 55-65% of your max.

C. EMOM Workouts

EMOM x 12-16 Minutes (3 Rounds):

  • Minute 1: 6-15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  • Minute 2: 8-12 Overhead Squats

  • Minute 3: Handstand Walk, 7.6-15.2 meters

  • Minute 4: 4-6 Shuttle Runs, 15.2 meters

EMOM x 12-16 Minutes (3 Rounds):

  • Minute 1: 6-15 Box Jump Overs @ 61/51 cm

  • Minute 2: 8-12 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs @ 61/51 cm with 22.5/15 kg dumbbells

  • Minute 3: 4-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups, followed by 4-8 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

  • Minute 4: 4-8 Bar Muscle-Ups

Workout Intent: These EMOMs are designed to improve familiarity and efficiency with movements likely to appear in the Open or Qualifier rounds, performed at a lower intensity to refine technique.

Target Outcome: This session aims to build confidence and speed in key exercises, preparing you for competitive events later in the week.

Post-Workout Feeling: You should feel invigorated and ready for upcoming challenges, with a sense of accomplishment from today's focused practice.

Extra Credit

For those seeking additional intensity:

  • Perform 3-5 sets, alternating 90 seconds of work with 90 seconds of rest, including:

    • 4 Bar Pullovers

    • Handstand Walk for 15 meters

    • AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) Echo Bike Calories in the remaining time

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.