Wednesday 28/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



Clean and Jerk Technique Focus

  • Work up to a single Clean and Jerk at 75-85% of your max.

    • The goal is precision and technique.

Thruster AMRAP

  • Thrusters for Time:

    • Set 1: 25 seconds, AMRAP at 52 kg / 34 kg

    • Rest: 35 seconds, then adjust weight

    • Set 2: 25 seconds, AMRAP at 43 kg / 29.5 kg

    • Rest: 35 seconds, then adjust weight

    • Set 3: 25 seconds, AMRAP at 34 kg / 25 kg

      • Each Set Begins With: 3 Lateral Burpees Over the Barbell

For Time: Sprint Workout

  1. 42 Double-Unders

  2. 16 Overhead Squats at 43 kg / 29.5 kg

  3. 42 Double-Unders

  4. 16 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches at 22.5 kg / 16 kg

  5. 42 Double-Unders

  • Goal: Execute as a quick, intense workout. Adjust weights/volume if necessary for unbroken (UB) sets.

Optional Bar Muscle-Up (BMU) Practice

  • 10-Minute Quality Work:

    1. Jump to Pike

    2. Tight, Patient Arch

    3. Toes Rise - Spot the Position

    4. Hip Drive with Straight Arms Pressing Down on the Bar




 For Time: Rope Climb and Clean & Jerk Ladder

  • 3 Rounds:

    • 1 Legless Rope Climb (4.6 meters)

    • 1 Clean and Jerk at 125 kg / 84 kg

    • Increase Clean and Jerks by 1rep each round

      • Time Cap: 6 minutes

      • Weight Guidance: Use 80% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk

EMOM Thrusters (8 Minutes)

  • Every Minute on the Minute for 8 Minutes:

    • Minutes 1-2: 20 seconds AMRAP Thrusters at 84 kg / 57 kg

    • Minute 3: Rest and weight change

    • Minutes 4-5: 20 seconds AMRAP Thrusters at 75 kg / 52 kg

    • Minute 6: Rest and weight change

    • Minutes 7-8: 20 seconds AMRAP Thrusters at 61 kg / 43 kg

      • Start each set with: 3 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

For Time: High-Intensity Circuit

  • Complete the following:

    • 16 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

    • 42 Double-Unders

    • 16 Overhead Squats at 43 kg / 29.5 kg

    • 42 Double-Unders

    • 16 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches at 22.5 kg / 16 kg

    • Row 24/20 calories

      • Goal: Fast-paced workout to simulate competition intensity.

Strength and Hypertrophy

  • Alternate Sets:

    • A: 12-15 Gliding Leg Curls with Hip Extensions, rest 1 minute (video)

    • B: 12-15 One-Arm Ring Rows per side, ensuring no rotation in the thoracic spine, rest 1 minute

Extra Credit: Muscle-Up Practice

  • 2-Minute Intervals:

    • Set 1: 80 Crossover Singles, then AMRAP Ring Muscle-Ups in remaining time (start with max unbroken set), rest 2 minutes

    • Set 2: 80 Double Unders, then AMRAP Bar Muscle-Ups in remaining time (start with max unbroken set)


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.