Wednesday 22/04/2020
3 Sets:
Full Body Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Part A:
4 Sets of:
A: Sliding L-sit to reverse plank x 10
B: Sliding Plank to Pike position x 10
Rest 1-2min
Part B:
4 Sets of:
A: Side Plank thread the needle x 10/each
B: Russian twists x 20
Rest 1-2min
Part C:
4 Sets:
Every 20 seconds without rest:
A. Front Delt Raises
B. Front Delt raise hold
C. Lateral delt raises
D. Lateral delt raise hold
Rest 1-2min between sets
10 Rounds of 45 Seconds Work / 1:15 Rest (Every 2:00)
30 Double Unders or Plate Hops or Lateral hops
5 Ground to OH
Max Burpees on the Remaining Work Time
(Total TIme: 20:00)
Part A: For gliders use a woollen cloth on a Smooth surface
Endurance: Use a sandbag/backpack/waterjug/DB/KB
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.