Wednesday 13/05/2020
2-3 Sets of :
Full Body Mobility Flow (VIDEO)
Part A:
3 Sets:
40 Seconds Gakk Squats
Rest 20 Sec
40 Sec Prone Behind the Neck Press (Band or PVC)
Rest 1 min
Part B:
4-5 Rounds of:
10-12 x Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats
8-10 / SIde 1-Arm Seated Strict Press
8-10 / SIde Tempo Seesaw Row or 40 Sec Isometric Hold using Towel
Rest 1 min between Exercises and 2 min between Sets.
Carry out a good Wrist Warm-Up before attempting the Main Set. (VIDEO)
Main Set:
Spend 15 minutes practicing your Free Handstand Hold.
If you cannot Free HS Hold or do not know from where to start please choose a point you feel comfortable along the Progression Ladder listed below and move further.
Progression Ladder:
Piked HS Hold 3 x 20-30 Sec
Piked HS Hold Shrugs 3 x 10
1- Leg Piked HS Hold 3 x 10-20 Sec /side
Nose to Wall HS Hold 3 x 20-30 Sec
Nose to Wall HS Hold Shrugs 3 x 10
1-Leg Nose to Wall HS Hold 3 x 10-20 Sec /side
Facing Away Wall HS Hold ( Try to move one Leg Away and then the other. Balance for some time and return legs back to the wall.)
Bunny Hops to Wall + Hold 3 x 4
Free HS Hold
Note: Those of you who are interested in 1-to-1 Personal Training Sessions at the Ironsky Outdoor Area please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program