Wednesday 01/04/2020
3 Sets of:
Mobility Flow
Part A:
4 Sets of:
A. Bridge hamstring walk out x 8
B. Bridge Marching x 16
C. Bridge hold x 30 seconds
No Rest between exercises
2 Minutes Rest between Sets
Part B:
5 Sets of:
Single leg side Squat on a box/chair/stool x 8/each side
Rest 1 Minute between Sides
Dynamic Warm up for Running (VIDEO)
Main Set:
4:00 Run @60% Effort
4:00 Run @70%
Walk for 2min then...
2:00 Run @70%
2:00 Run @80%
Walk for 2min then...
1:00 Run @80%
1:00 Run @90%
Walk for 2min then...
00:30 Run @90%
00:30 Sprint @100%
Walk for 2min then…
Repeat the whole Workout one more time.
Note: Use RPE Scale below to monitor your Intensity and get to know your body better.
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay isolated.