Tuesday 19/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Tuesday 19/03/2024

Split Jerk

  • Sets/Reps: 1 rep EMOM for 5 minutes  (5 sets)

  • Intensity: 80% of 1RM (One Rep Max)

Strict Pull-Ups

  • Objective: Complete 40 strict pull-ups

  • Time Cap: 7 minutes

EMOM for 12 minutes (3 Sets)

M1. Barbell Bench Press

  • Execution: 1.1reps performed as clusters. 

    • Rest 20 seconds between single reps.

M2. Handstand Hold

  • Duration: Accumulate 30 seconds

M3. Rope Climb

  • Reps: 1-2

  • controlled descent.

M4. Rest


Tuesday 19/03/2024

Split Jerk

  • Sets/Reps: 8 sets of 1 rep

  • Intensity: 84-88% of 1RM (One Rep Max)

  • Rest: As needed

Strict Pull-Ups Challenge

  • Objective: Complete 50 strict pull-ups

  • Time Cap: 7 minutes

3 Alternating Sets 

A. Barbell Bench Press

  • Execution: 1.1reps performed as clusters. Rest 20 seconds between single reps.

  • Rest: After a full set, rest for 30 seconds.

B. Freestanding Handstand Hold

  • Duration: Accumulate 30 seconds within 90 seconds.

  • Rest: 30 seconds

C. L-Sit Rope Climb

  • Reps: 1-2

  • Height: Climb to 3-4.5 meters with controlled descent.

  • Rest: As needed


  • Rounds: 3-5, each for time

    • Row 750m (Men) / 650m (Women)

    • 25 GHD sit-ups

    • Row 350m (Men) / 300m (Women)

    • 3 Rope Climbs

  • Rest: 3-4 minutes between sets

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.