Saturday 10/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.




Toes to Bar Skill:

  - 2 arch to hollow swings

  - 2 arch to knee tuck

  - 2 TTB (Toes to Bar)

  - 2 arch to knee tuck

  - 2 arch to hollow

  - Repeat 4-6 times, rest 30-90 sec.


For Time (20 min cap):

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 17 Squat Cleans @ 30/15 kg

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 15 Squat Cleans @ 50/30 kg

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 13 Squat Cleans @ 70/45 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 11 Squat Cleans @ 90/60 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 9 Squat Cleans @ 110/70 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 7 Squat Cleans @ 120/80 kg

Extra Credit
- EMOM 10 mins (10 sets):

  - 3 Wide grip barbell bench press @ 45-60% 1RM.

  - Rest 2 mins halfway.




For Time (20 min cap):

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 17 Squat Cleans @ 43/29 kg

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 15 Squat Cleans @ 61/43 kg

  - 25 Toes to Bars

  - 13 Squat Cleans @ 84/57 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 11 Squat Cleans @ 102/70 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 9 Squat Cleans @ 125/84 kg

  - 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  - 7 Squat Cleans @ 143/102 kg

Split Jerk Progression:

  - 3 reps @ 75%

  - 2 reps @ 80%

  - 1 rep @ 85%

  - 3 reps @ 77%

  - 2 reps @ 82%

  - 1 rep @ 87-90%

  - Rest as needed, max for day, 1 sec pause in dip.

2 sets:

  - 10 DB Suitcase Walking Lunges @ 22.5/16 kg per hand

  - 10 Strict L-Pull-Ups

  - 10 DB Overhead Walking Lunges

  - 15m HS Walk AFAP

  - Rest for full recovery, aim for unbroken DB lunges.

EMOM 10 mins (10 sets):

  - 3 Wide grip barbell bench press 

  - Rest 2 mins halfway.


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.