Wellcome to our new Cycle for the Winter Period with New Targets and Goals. If you want to see more details Click Here.




  1. General Warmup (5 mins): Machine of your choice at moderate pace.

  2. 5-10 mins Pressing Warmup: Shoulder mobility and light overhead presses.

  3. Workout-Specific Prep:

    • 2-3 sets:

      • 30 sec row (progressively increasing pace every 10 sec to goal).

      • 3-4 wall balls.

    • Rest 90 sec.

Shoulder Press Drop Sets

Strength + Endurance:

  1. Build to a heavy set of 4 reps (max effort).

  2. Perform drop sets with AMRAP (-2) for each percentage:

    • Set 1: Max reps @ 100%.

    • Set 2: Max reps @ 90%.

    • Set 3: Max reps @ 80%.

    • Set 4: Max reps @ 70%.

    • Rest as needed during weight changes.

Intent: Improve top-end strength and strength endurance. A 3-week cycle of drop sets leads into cluster sets.

Weighted Rope Pull-Ups or Strict Pull ups

Goal: Strength through vertical pulling.

  • 4 sets of max reps (leaving 2 reps in the tank).

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets.

  • Form: Bottom hand even with the top arm's elbow.

F. Conditioning: EMOM x 16 mins (8 rounds)

  1. Odd Minutes: 35-sec AMRAP Row (calories).

  2. Even Minutes: 35-sec Wall Balls @ 9/6 Kg.


  • Sustainable row pace with no deterioration.

  • Smooth wall ball execution at target height.

  • Gradual intensity increase as work duration expands weekly.

Extra Credit - Option 1: Got None (Ring Muscle-Up Skill Development)

Skill Focus: Build strength, mobility, and coordination for muscle-ups.

  1. Small Ring Swings:

    • 2 small swings into 1 max-effort swing x 6.

    • Focus: Keep legs straight, reach with toes, and stay elongated in the arch position.

    • Rest as needed. Watch filmed reps for feedback.

  2. Max Swing + Hip Drive:

    • 1 max-effort ring swing + open hip front swing x 6.

    • Focus: Maintain straight body line, initiate a strong hip drive. Arm bending is okay but focus on hip dynamics.

  3. Swing + Hip Drive + Pull:

    • Add an aggressive pull to shoulders x 6.

    • Focus: Shoulders should be the highest point, then hips and knees.

  4. 2-Position Jumping Muscle-Ups:

    • Jumping into a muscle-up x 6.

    • Rest 30-60 sec.

    • Focus: Keep shoulders as the highest point, followed by open hips.

Extra Credit - Option 2: Got Some (Ring Muscle-Up Progression)

Conditioning & Reps:
3-4 sets:

  • 10 Bar-Facing Burpees.

  • Rest 20 sec.

  • AMRAP (-1) Ring Muscle-Ups OR accumulate 3 reps AFAP.

  • Rest 2 mins between sets.


A. Warm-Up

General Warm-Up

  • 0-5 mins: Machine of choice or light cardio.

Workout-Specific Warm-Up

  1. 5-10 mins: Pressing Preparation

  2. 10-15 mins: Specific Movement Prep:

    • 2-3 sets:

      • 30 seconds row (increase pace every 10 seconds to goal pace).

      • 3-4 wall balls.

    • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

B. Split Jerk (Pause in Dip and Split)

  • 5 sets of 2 reps at 70-75%.

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

  • Focus: Technical refinement transitioning from previous stance work.

C. Shoulder Press (Drop Sets)

  1. Set 1: 4 reps at max load.

  2. Set 2: Max reps at 100% of heavy 4.

  3. Set 3: Max reps at 90% of heavy 4.

  4. Set 4: Max reps at 80% of heavy 4.

  5. Set 5: Max reps at 70% of heavy 4.


  • Rest as needed between sets.

  • Cap at 5 sets.

  • Focus: Build top-end strength and strength endurance.

D. Weighted Rope Pull-Up

  • 4 sets: Max reps.

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

  • Leave 2 reps in the tank each set.

E. EMOM x 18-20 Minutes

  1. Odd Minutes: 35 seconds AMRAP Row (calories).

  2. Even Minutes: 35 seconds Wall Balls (20/14 lb to 10/9 ft target).


  • Target a sustainable pace across all rounds.

  • Focus on maintaining performance without deterioration.

Extra Credit (Optional)

Part 1: Handstand Shoulder Taps

  • 3 sets of 30 reps.

  • Rest: 90 seconds.

Part 2: Handstand Stagg Drill

  • 5 sets of 50 seconds.

  • Switch leg position each set.

  • Rest: 90 seconds.

Part 3: Crow to Handstand

  • Accumulate 12 reps (not for time).

Part 4: Freestanding Handstand Push-Ups

  • 2-5 reps per set, aiming for unbroken.

Part 5: Back-to-Wall Handstand Hold

  • Max unbroken duration, 1 attempt.


Wednesday 20/11/2024


Monday 18/11/2024