Tuesday 12/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



Strength - Push Jerk:

  • Within 10 minutes, find your maximum load for 1 Push Jerk. Aim for a challenging single.

Extra Credit - Skill Development

  • Option 1: Ring Muscle-Ups

    • Part 1: Practice ring muscle-ups skills with 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing. Perform an aggressive pull to shoulders, 4-6 times. Rest as needed.

    • Part 2: Spend 20 minutes working on spotted ring muscle-ups.


  • Part 1:

    • EMOM for 10:00 (2 sets):

      • M1: 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

      • M2: 16/12 Cal Row

      • M3: 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

      • M4-5: Rest 2-minutes.

    • Time Cap for all movements 50seconds.

    • No Extra Break Between Parts.

  • Part 2:

    • EMOM for 10:00 (2 sets):

      • M1: 12/9 Cal Assault Bike

      • M2: 10 Box Jumps  + 10 Toes to bar

      • M3: 8/6 Cal Assault Bike

      • M4-5: Rest 2-minutes.

    • Time Cap for all movements 50seconds.



. Push Jerk

  • Objective: Achieve 1 Push Jerk at max load within 10 minutes.

Muscle-Ups - For Time

  • Objective: Complete 15 strict muscle-ups.

  • Time Cap: 10 minutes, starting with an AMRAP of unbroken reps.

Strength Circuit (3 alternating Sets)

  • A. Barbell Bench Presses

    • Sets of 2.2 reps (double clusters).

    • Rest: 20 seconds between doubles

    • Goal: To Increase weight each set.

      • Rest 1 minute before moving on.

  • B. Hanging L-Sit Holds

    • Hold for 30 seconds.

      • Rest: 1 minute after each hold.

Conditioning Sets - For Time

  • Part 1 - Perform 2 sets of the following, recording time for each:

    • 28 GHD Sit-ups

    • 24/18 Cal Row

    • 8 Ring Muscle-Ups

      • Rest: 3-5 minutes actively on the Assault Bike at ~200/150 watts.

    • Modification: If Ring Muscle-Up extra credit was completed yesterday, substitute with 8 Burpee Broad Jumps, clearing 1.2m/1m.

  • Part 2 - Perform 2 sets of the following, recording time for each:

    • 24 Toes to Bar

    • 24/18 Cal Row

    • 8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs

      • Rest: 3-5 minutes actively on the Ski Erg (low damper/high SPM).

 Extra Credit: Cooldown

  • Activity: 20-minute Easy Bike Spin.

  • Intensity: 60-70% of max Heart Rate.

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.