Monday 04/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.



A. Back Squat

  • Set 1: 5 repetitions at 65% of your heavy single.

  • Set 2: 5 repetitions at 75%.

  • Set 3: Maximum repetitions at 85%.

  • Rest: 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets.

  • Note: Use a weight that's about 2.3 to 4.5 kg less than your current estimated 1RM if you haven't updated your heavy single in the last two weeks.

B. Weightlifting - Gymnastics (EMOM)

  • Minutes 1-4: Perform 1 Squat Snatch at 75-80% effort.

  • Minutes 5-8: 

    • (A) 30 sec of max Burpee Pull ups

    • (B) 30 sec of max Wall Walks

      • alternate between burpee pull ups and Wall Walks

C. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Duration: 7 minutes of as many rounds and reps as possible (AMRAP).

  • Activities:

    • 6 alt. Devil's Presses (single arm) at 22.7/15.9 kg.

    • 12 Dumbbell Goblet Squats at 22.7/15.9 kg.

  • Recovery: Rest 30sec after each round completed.



Back Squat

  • Set 1: 5 reps at 65%

  • Set 2: 5 reps at 75%

  • Set 3: Max reps at 85%

  • Rest: 2 minutes and 30 seconds between sets

  • Note: Base percentages on your heavy single from two weeks prior. If not available, use a weight 2.3 to 4.5 kg lower than your current estimated 1RM.

Squat Snatch EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) x 12

  • Minutes 1-4: 1 rep at 80%

  • Minutes 5-8: 1 rep at 83%

  • Minutes 9-12: 1 rep at 84-86%

Clean and Jerk

  • 4-5 sets of 1 rep at 75-80%

  • Rest: As needed

  • Total: Aim for 4-5 singles at 75-80% for the day

Part 1: 3-Minute AMRAP

  • 4 Devil's Presses at 22.7/15.9 kg

  • Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps over 7.6 meters at 22.7/15.9 kg

  • Rest: 3 minutes before Part 2

Part 2: 3-Minute AMRAP

  • 6 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerks at 22.7/15.9 kg

  • 25 Shuttle Runs covering 15 meters

  • Rest: 3 minutes before Part 3

Part 3: 3-Minute AMRAP

  • 3 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups

  • 5 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans at 22.7/15.9 kg

  • 8 Box Jumps at 61/50.8 cm

Intent and Target

  • Intent: Three separate 3-minute AMRAPs featuring common competition movements.

  • Target: High-level athletes should push the pace. Those recovering should focus on movement quality.

H. Extra Credit Options

Option 1: Mixed Conditioning

  • 3 Sets, each for time:

    • 50 Crossover Singles

    • 40% of last week's RMU AMRAP

    • Rest: 30 seconds

    • 10 Burpees to 15.2 cm reach as fast as possible

    • 40% of last week's BMU AMRAP

    • Rest: As needed

Option 2: Cyclical Conditioning

  • Power Development: Every 90 seconds x 5 sets:

    • 8/6 Cal Echo Bike

  • Sustainable Effort:

    • 7-minute clock:

      • 80/60 cal Ski

      • Max cal Echo Bike in remaining time

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets, x3 total sets


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.