Monday 30/03/2020
3 Sets of:
Mobility Flow
Part A:
5 Sets of:
A. Negative Pull ups x 3-5 (5seconds Descent)
B. Scapulla pull up x 12
Rest 1 Minute
C. Chin up Hold x 10-30seconds
Limit your Rest between exercises
Rest 2 min between Sets
Part B:
4 Sets of:
A. Wall Climb x 3
B. Nose to wall shoulder taps x 10-20
C. Nose to wall hold x 10-20seconds
Rest 1-2 Minutes between exercises
For Time:
Boys: Push ups x 150
Girls: Push ups x 100
*Every time you break including start perform 20 Air Squats
Equipment Solutions:
Pull-up Bar: TRX, Rings, Dumbells (Rows), Under Table Rows, Door Frame
Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.
Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay isolated.