Monday 23/03/2020
5 Sets of:
A. Negative Pull Up x 3-5 (5seconds Descent)
B. Scapula Pull Up x 10
Rest 1 Minute
C. Chin up Hold x 10-30seconds
Rest 2 Minutes
4 Sets of:
A. Wall Climb x 2
B. Nose to wall shoulder taps x 10-20
C. Nose to wall hold x 10-20 seconds
Rest 2minutes
EMOM for 20 Minutes:
5 x PVC Overhead squat
5 x Burpees
10 x Lateral Jumps over PVC
Equipment required:
Solutions for Pull Ups: Pull-Up Bar, TRX, Rings, Structure (Περγκολα) , 2 Chairs + 1 Stick
Solutions for PVC: Broomstick
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Important Note: Please follow hygiene rules and stay at least 3 m away from each other.