Monday 19/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.

Gym closed on Thursday all day, and Friday Morning due to Military obligations


Gym closed on Thursday all day, and Friday Morning due to Military obligations 〰️




 Front Squats at Max Load

- Objective: Build to a 4-rep maximum (RM).

- Comparison: Refer to Monday, January 8, 2023, performance.

- Guidance: If feeling fatigued, aim for an 8.5 out of 10 Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and proceed.

EMOM x 20 Minutes

Perform the following every minute on the minute for 20 minutes (4 rounds):

  • Minute 1: 3-5 Wall Walks.

  • Minute 2: 3 Hang Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Shoulder to Overheads.

  • Minute 3: 10-12 V-Ups or Knees to Elbows.

  • Minute 4: 10-12 Front Rack Reverse Lunge Steps.

  • Minute 5: Rest

- Load: Use a moderate, unbroken load for barbell exercises.

Extra Credit

A. Skill Progression

Perform 5 repetitions of each phase, focusing on quality:

1. Jump to Pike: Initiate with a strong jump transitioning into a pike position.


2. Tight and Patient Arch: Maintain a tight arch, ensuring patience in form.


3. Toes Rise: Spot your toes as they rise, maintaining form.


4. Hip Drive & Press Down: Execute a hip drive while pressing down on the bar with straight arms, building on the previous steps.


- Note: Each step builds upon the last. Ensure not to skip steps as you progress.

B. Skill Refinement

- Accumulate 10 reps of the full sequence, emphasizing the hip drive and bar press down.

- Technique Note: Utilize a box for support in the bar muscle-up (BMU) support position. Focus on replicating the initial "jump to hollow" position and transitioning through the movements with precision.


C. Optional - Bar Muscle-Up Practice

- Full or Assisted: Experiment with complete or spotted BMUs.

- Scoring: Track repetitions for progress.

 Option 2: For Time Challenge

- Task: Complete 15 Bar Muscle-Ups.

- Time Limit: 5 minutes.

Skill and Endurance EMOM

Every minute for 4 minutes (4 rounds):

- Task: Maximum Dumbbell Box Step-Overs for 20 seconds, box height 61/51 cm @ 22.5/16 kg.

- Focus: Smooth footwork and transition.




Front Squats - Max Load

- Objective: Build to a 4-rep max (4RM).

- Note: Compare with the session on January 8, 2023. If feeling exhausted, aim for an intensity of 8.5/10 RPE and proceed to the next activity.

Conditioning Sets - Every 7 Minutes for 2 Rounds:

Rowing: 30/24 calories at 85-90% effort.

Lateral Burpees Over Bar: 15 reps.

Squat Snatch: Perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) at 85% of your 1-rep max (1RM) snatch until the 4-minute mark.

- Goal: The initial exercises are designed to simulate conditions for performing heavy snatches while fatigued. Focus on maintaining intensity.

- Scoring: Record the total number of squat snatches completed.

 Barbell Overhead Reverse Lunge

- Sets/Reps: 2 sets of 7 reps per side

- Rest: 90 seconds between sets

- Instructions: 

  - Use a snatch grip.

  - Choose a moderate load.

  - Focus on lockout and scapular strength/control.

EMOM x 10min

Every minute for 10 minutes (2 rounds)

  - Minute 1: 4-8 Burpee Bar Pullovers

  - Minute 2: 

    - 3 Hang Power Cleans

    - 3 Front Squats

    - 3 Shoulder to Overheads

  - Minute 3: 15-25 GHD Sit-Ups

  - Minute 4: Front-Racked Double Kettlebell Walking Lunge Steps, 15 meters at 24/16 kg

  - Minute 5: Assault Bike, easy spin for 1 minute

- Note: Use a moderate, unbroken load for barbell exercises.

 EMOM x 10min

- Duration: Every minute for 10 minutes (2 rounds)

  - Minute 1: 3-5 Wall Walks

  - Minute 2: 10-15 Barbell Thrusters

  - Minute 3: 20-25 V-Ups (or 15 knees to elbows as an alternative)

  - Minute 4: 10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs at 22.5/16 kg

  - Minute 5: Easy row for 1 minute

- Note: Use a moderate, unbroken load for barbell exercises.


Prepare for the Open CrossFit Season with a deload, focusing on skill development and refinement. Utilize this session to experiment with new skills and enhance existing ones.


Maintain low to moderate intensity, prioritizing movement quality over intensity.

Extra Credit: Rope Climb Endurance Retest

- Task: 3 min AMRAP of rope climbs to 4.5 meters

- Goal: Focus on consistent mechanics. Adjust rest as needed to maintain speed and technique.

- Advice: Review your performance through video to optimize rope climb strategies. Continue practicing the 'double hand reach' method.


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.