Tuesday 14/05/2024


Strength Training - 1-1/4 Back Squat

  • 4 Sets:

    • Set 1: 12 reps

    • Set 2: 10 reps

    • Set 3: 8 reps

    • Set 4: 6 reps

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

    • Intensity: Increase weight each set, aiming for a 9/10 intensity on the final set while maintaining good form.

Strength and Mobility (3 Alternating Sets)

Extra Credit - Handstand Agility Drills (5 Sets)

  • Exercise: Lateral Plate Taps on Wall

    • Reps: 8 taps

    • Instructions: Alternate sides each set. Start with a small plate and increase the height if the set is completed under control and unbroken. If unable to control, maintain current height.

    • Rest: As needed

Cardio Endurance

Description: Time Descending Ladder


  • Activities:

    • Rowing

    • Bike

    • Shuttle Runs


Strength Training - 1-1/4 Back Squat

  • 4 Sets:

    • Set 1: 12 reps

    • Set 2: 10 reps

    • Set 3: 8 reps

    • Set 4: 6 reps

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

    • Intensity: Increase weight each set, aiming for a 9/10 intensity on the final set while maintaining good form.

Mobility and Strength Circuits (3 Alternating Sets)

Cardio Endurance

  • Description: Complete for time

  • Activities:

    • Rowing: Decreasing calories each round (50-40-30-20-10).

    • Ski Erg: Decreasing distance each round (500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m).