Friday 27/03/2020

Part A.
5 Sets of :
A. Side Plank x 30sec/each
B. Russian Twist * x 30sec
Rest 30 Seconds between sets

Part B:
2 Sets of:
Plank Hold x 2 min
*Every 30 Sec perform perform x 8 Plank Jacks

Tabata Workout
(20 Seconds work / 10 Seconds rest )

3 Total Tabata Workouts :
Each Tabata consists of 4 minutes (8 Sets):

Main exercise: Burpees

*Start the first Tabata with a fixed number Of Burpees. For example 4; and then On the next tabata add one more rep If feeling good do the same on the Last one

Rest 3 minutes between tabatas

Flow: (20 Sec Burpees / 10 Sec Rest ) x 8 —> Rest 3 minutes —> (20 Sec Burpees / 10 Sec Rest ) x 8 —> Rest 3 minutes —> (20 Sec Burpees / 10 Sec Rest ) x 8

Equipment: * For Russian Twists you can grab a large bottle of water or something heavier for added resistance.

Note: Post Scores on Instagram Stories and tag us. Let’s keep the community together and motivate each other in these difficult times.

Important: Please follow hygiene rules and stay at least 3 m away from each other.


Saturday 28/03/2020


Thursday 26/03/2020