Friday 16/02/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.




Back Squat

- Set 1: 1 repetition.

- Set 2: Maximum repetitions at 85% of 1RM.


  - Perform 6 working sets to reach a single repetition with a 9/10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).

  - Follow with one AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) set, stopping 2 reps short of failure, at 85% of today's single rep max.


- Set 1: 1 repetition.

- Set 2: Maximum repetitions at 80% of 1RM.

- Instructions:

  - Complete 4 working sets to achieve a single rep at a 9/10 RPE.

  - Conclude with one AMRAP set, minus 2 reps, at 85% of today's single rep max.


- For Time:

  - 60-meter KB OH Carry at 32/24 kg.

  - 30 Burpees.

  - 60-meter SandBag Carry at 60/40 kg.

  - 20 Burpees.

  - 60-meter Farmers Carry at 32/24 kg.

  - 10 Burpees.

- Goal: Focus on speed and efficient transitions, with special attention to footwork and breathing during Burpees.

Extra Credit - Ring Muscle-Up Skill Development

A - Perform 1 "max-effort" ring swing plus an open hip front swing with an aggressive pull to shoulders, 6 times, resting as needed.


B - Every 30 seconds for 8-10 sets, execute 2-position jumping muscle-ups, focusing on keeping the shoulders above the hips.


C - EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for 6 minutes: 1 seated band-supported chest to ring pull-up plus a strict muscle-up transition.


D - Complete 10-20 seconds of ring support pulses, 3 sets, resting as needed.





Back Squat

- Set 1: 1 repetition.

- Set 2: Maximum repetitions at 85% of 1RM.

- Instructions:

  - Perform 6 working sets to build up to a 9/10 RPE single.

  - Complete 1 AMRAP set, stopping 2 reps short of failure, at 85% of today's max single.

Shoulder Press

- Set 1: 1 repetition.

- Set 2: Maximum repetitions at 85% of 1RM.

- Instructions:

  - Complete 5 working sets to reach a 9/10 RPE single.

  - Finish with 1 AMRAP set, minus 2 reps, at 85% of today's max single.


- Set 1: 1 repetition.

- Set 2: Maximum repetitions at 80% of 1RM.

- Instructions:

  - Achieve a 9/10 RPE single with 4 working sets.

  - Conduct 1 AMRAP set, stopping 2 reps short of failure, at 85% of today's single.

Handstand Practice (10 Minutes)

  - 5 reps of Jump Press to Handstand on Floor with control.

  - 5 attempts of L-Sit to Handstand on Parallettes with control.

Preparation: Ensure proper wrist and shoulder warm-up using drills from previous weeks.

For Time (Grip Endurance Skill Session)

- Complete the following sequence:

60-meter Farmers Carry at 32/24 kg kettlebells, 

12 Ring Muscle Ups, 

45-meter carry, 

9 Muscle Ups, 

30-meter carry, 

6 Muscle Ups.

- Rest exactly 4 minutes.

- Repeat the same sequence with Bar Muscle Ups this time.

- Intent: Improve grip endurance and muscle-up capacity under fatigue.

- Scoring: Total time excluding rest, with individual split times noted.


Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.