Friday 15/05/2020
3 Rounds of:
10 Deep Squat + Thoracic Rotation
10 m Bear Crawl (Hips Low)
10 Birddogs
Specific Warm-Up
2-3 Rounds of:
40 Sec Gakk Squat
40 Sec / Side Front Rack Mobility
Execute the following set of Exercises using a PVC or a Broomstick.
3 Sets:
10+10 x Elbow Rotation + Front Squat
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
8+8+8 x Hip Muscle Clean + Press + Close Grip Overhead Squat
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
8+8 x Hip Muscle Squat Clean+ SOTS Press
Rest 1 Min
3 Sets:
3x Hip Clean Balance with 2 sec Pause at the bottom
Rest 1 Min
4 Sets of Intervals:
Interval A:
4 Rounds of:
60 Sec Window to complete:
50 DUs +
AMRAP Remaining Time:
4 HSPU (Strict or Kipping)
8 Jumping Lunges
Rest 30 Sec between Rounds of Interval A
Rest 3 Minutes before Interval B
Interval B:
4 Rounds of:
60 Sec Window to complete:
8 x10m Shuttle Runs +
AMRAP Remaining Time:
4 Devils Press or BackPack Clusters
8 Air Squats
Rest 30 Sec between Rounds of Interval B
Rest 3 Minutes before going back to Interval A
Flow: 4 rounds of A -> 4 rounds of B -> 4 rounds of A -> 4 rounds of B
Note: Those of you who are interested in 1-to-1 Personal Training Sessions at the Ironsky Outdoor Area please do not hesitate to contact us.
Important: Please follow the hygiene rules.
End of Program