
. Warmup (0-15 mins)

General Warmup (0-5 mins)

  • 5 minutes on a machine of choice (rower, bike, ski)

  • General Warmup

Pressing Warmup (5-10 mins)

  • Focus on warming up pressing muscles

Workout Specific Prep (10-15 mins)
Complete 2-3 sets of:

  • 2-3 ring muscle-ups

  • 3-4 strict handstand push-ups

  • 3-4 chest-to-bar pull-ups

  • 3-4 kipping handstand push-ups
    Rest 90 seconds between sets

Total Time: 15 minutes

B. Part 1 (15-30 mins)

5 Rounds for Time

  • 6 muscle-ups or Burpee Pull ups

  • 12 strict handstand push-ups or Piked or Tricep
    Rest 1 minute between each round

Timecap: 15 minutes

C. Part 2 (30-40 mins)

3 Rounds for Time

  • 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups or kipping pull ups or ring inverted rows

  • 12 kipping handstand push-ups or DB push press @ 22,5/15kg

Timecap: 10 minutes

D. Wall Facing Handstand Hold (40-45 mins)

3 sets of 30-45 seconds
Rest as needed between sets

Total Time: 5 minutes

E. Strength Work (45-60 mins)

Complete 2 alternating sets of:

E1. Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Chin ups (use assistance if needed - minimum 3reps)

  • AMRAP (-1) in each set
    Rest 30 seconds

E2. 15 Inverted Rows or Bend Over DB Rows
Rest 30 seconds

E3. 10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows (3011 tempo)

  • 10-12 reps per side

  • Use a lighter load to maintain strong scapular position and tall posture
    Rest 30 seconds

E4. Hollow Body Hold for Max Duration

  • Place the center of your hip on or behind the centerline of the pad

  • Start with arms at sides, move them overhead if you pass 60 seconds
    Rest 2:30 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes


A. Warmup (0-15 mins)

General Warmup (0-5 mins)

  • 5 minutes on a machine of choice (rower, bike, ski)

  • General Warmup

Pressing Warmup (5-10 mins)

  • Focus on warming up pressing muscles

Workout Specific Prep (10-15 mins)
Complete 2-3 sets of:

  • 30 sec ski @ 75% effort

  • 2-3 ring muscle-ups

  • 3-4 strict handstand push-ups

  • 3-4 chest-to-bar pull-ups

  • 3-4 kipping handstand push-ups
    Rest 90 seconds between sets

Total Time: 15 minutes

B. Wall Facing Single Arm Handstand Hold (15-20 mins)

3 sets of 50 seconds

  • Alternate 25 sec per side, switching sides every 5 seconds
    Rest as needed between sets

Total Time: 5 minutes

C. Push Press (20-35 mins)

Perform 4 sets:

  • Set 1: 9 reps

  • Set 2: 7 reps

  • Set 3: 5 reps

  • Set 4: 3 reps
    Rest 3 minutes between sets

  • Increase load each set

  • Perform 5 jerk dips at the start of each set

Total Time: 15 minutes

D. Strength Work (35-50 mins)

Complete 2-3 alternating sets of:

D1. Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

  • AMRAP (-1) in each set
    Rest 30 seconds

D2. 15 Inverted Rows
Rest 30 seconds

D3. 10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows (3011 tempo)

  • 10-12 reps per side

  • Use a lighter load to maintain strong scapular position and tall posture
    Rest 30 seconds

D4. GHD Hollow Body Hold for Max Duration

  • Place the center of your hip on or behind the centerline of the pad

  • Start with arms at sides, move them overhead if you pass 60 seconds
    Rest 2:30 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

E. Part 1 (50-62 mins)

5 Rounds for Time

  • 6 muscle-ups

  • 12 strict handstand push-ups
    Time Cap: 12 minutes

F. Part 2 (Rest 5-10 mins, then start) (67-79 mins)

5 Rounds for Time

  • 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

  • 12 kipping handstand push-ups
    Time Cap: 12 minutes

Intent: After a deload last week, we return to gymnastics-focused training, with two couplets often seen in competition.

Target: Treat both couplets as qualifier-style workouts. Minimize rest time and aim for your fastest total time.

Feel: The challenge will come from the ability to move quickly through high-level gymnastics, especially in the first couplet with muscle-ups and strict handstand push-ups.

Total Estimated Time: 80 minutes


Wednesday 9/10/2024


Monday 7/10/2024