Tuesday 8/10/2024
. Warmup (0-15 mins)
General Warmup (0-5 mins)
5 minutes on a machine of choice (rower, bike, ski)
General Warmup
Pressing Warmup (5-10 mins)
Focus on warming up pressing muscles
Workout Specific Prep (10-15 mins)
Complete 2-3 sets of:
2-3 ring muscle-ups
3-4 strict handstand push-ups
3-4 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3-4 kipping handstand push-ups
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Total Time: 15 minutes
B. Part 1 (15-30 mins)
5 Rounds for Time
6 muscle-ups or Burpee Pull ups
12 strict handstand push-ups or Piked or Tricep
Rest 1 minute between each round
Timecap: 15 minutes
C. Part 2 (30-40 mins)
3 Rounds for Time
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups or kipping pull ups or ring inverted rows
12 kipping handstand push-ups or DB push press @ 22,5/15kg
Timecap: 10 minutes
D. Wall Facing Handstand Hold (40-45 mins)
3 sets of 30-45 seconds
Rest as needed between sets
Total Time: 5 minutes
E. Strength Work (45-60 mins)
Complete 2 alternating sets of:
E1. Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Chin ups (use assistance if needed - minimum 3reps)
AMRAP (-1) in each set
Rest 30 seconds
E2. 15 Inverted Rows or Bend Over DB Rows
Rest 30 seconds
E3. 10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows (3011 tempo)
10-12 reps per side
Use a lighter load to maintain strong scapular position and tall posture
Rest 30 seconds
E4. Hollow Body Hold for Max Duration
Place the center of your hip on or behind the centerline of the pad
Start with arms at sides, move them overhead if you pass 60 seconds
Rest 2:30 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
A. Warmup (0-15 mins)
General Warmup (0-5 mins)
5 minutes on a machine of choice (rower, bike, ski)
General Warmup
Pressing Warmup (5-10 mins)
Focus on warming up pressing muscles
Workout Specific Prep (10-15 mins)
Complete 2-3 sets of:
30 sec ski @ 75% effort
2-3 ring muscle-ups
3-4 strict handstand push-ups
3-4 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3-4 kipping handstand push-ups
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Total Time: 15 minutes
B. Wall Facing Single Arm Handstand Hold (15-20 mins)
3 sets of 50 seconds
Alternate 25 sec per side, switching sides every 5 seconds
Rest as needed between sets
Total Time: 5 minutes
C. Push Press (20-35 mins)
Perform 4 sets:
Set 1: 9 reps
Set 2: 7 reps
Set 3: 5 reps
Set 4: 3 reps
Rest 3 minutes between setsIncrease load each set
Perform 5 jerk dips at the start of each set
Total Time: 15 minutes
D. Strength Work (35-50 mins)
Complete 2-3 alternating sets of:
D1. Max Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
AMRAP (-1) in each set
Rest 30 seconds
D2. 15 Inverted Rows
Rest 30 seconds
D3. 10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows (3011 tempo)
10-12 reps per side
Use a lighter load to maintain strong scapular position and tall posture
Rest 30 seconds
D4. GHD Hollow Body Hold for Max Duration
Place the center of your hip on or behind the centerline of the pad
Start with arms at sides, move them overhead if you pass 60 seconds
Rest 2:30 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
E. Part 1 (50-62 mins)
5 Rounds for Time
6 muscle-ups
12 strict handstand push-ups
Time Cap: 12 minutes
F. Part 2 (Rest 5-10 mins, then start) (67-79 mins)
5 Rounds for Time
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 kipping handstand push-ups
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Intent: After a deload last week, we return to gymnastics-focused training, with two couplets often seen in competition.
Target: Treat both couplets as qualifier-style workouts. Minimize rest time and aim for your fastest total time.
Feel: The challenge will come from the ability to move quickly through high-level gymnastics, especially in the first couplet with muscle-ups and strict handstand push-ups.
Total Estimated Time: 80 minutes