Saturday 5/10/2024
A. Warmup
Time: 0-15 mins
General Warmup (0-5 mins)
5 minutes on a machine of your choice
General Warmup
Gymnastics Pressing Prep (5-10 mins)
Specific Workout Prep (10-15 mins)
2-3 sets:
30 seconds ski @ 80%
1-2 Wall Walks
3-4 Overhead Squats
8-10 Double-Unders
Rest 90 seconds
Increase load on Overhead Squats each round until reaching working weight.
B. Workout: AMRAP 13 Minutes
Goal: Complete as many reps as possible in 13 minutes
3 Wall Walks
3 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
30 Double-Unders
6 Wall Walks
6 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
60 Double-Unders
9 Wall Walks
9 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
90 Double-Unders
12 Wall Walks
12 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
120 Double-Unders
15 Wall Walks
15 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
150 Double-Unders
18 Wall Walks
18 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
180 Double-Unders
Proceed as far as possible within 13 minutes.
C. EMOM 12 Minutes
Structure: Every minute on the minute (EMOM)
Minute 1
6 Half Seated Turkish Presses
Minute 2
6 Dual Dumbbell Turkish Situps
Minute 3
6 Elbow Plank Kettlebell Pull Throughs
Minute 4
Single Arm Kettlebell Bottoms Up Overhead Carry (15 m per side)
Minute 5
Mini Band Seal Walks (15 m)
Minute 6
Sandbag Bearhug Hold (40 seconds, as heavy as possible)
Repeat for 2-3 rounds.
A. Warmup (0-15 mins)
0-5 mins: General warmup
Use any cardio machine for 5 minutes, focusing on elevating heart rate.
5-10 mins: Gymnastics Pressing Prep
Prepare the shoulders and upper body for pressing movements.
10-15 mins: Specific Workout Prep
2-3 sets of the following:
30 sec ski @ 80% intensity
1-2 wall walks
3-4 overhead squats, increasing load each round to working weight
8-10 double unders
Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
Time Window: 15 mins
B. As Many Reps as Possible in 13 Minutes
3 Wall Walks
3 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
30 Double-Unders
6 Wall Walks
6 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg
60 Double-Unders
9 Wall Walks
9 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg
90 Double-Unders
12 Wall Walks
12 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg
120 Double-Unders
15 Wall Walks
15 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg
150 Double-Unders
18 Wall Walks
18 Overhead Squats @ 61/43 kg
180 Double-Unders
Proceed as far as possible within the time limit.
Time Window: 13 mins
C. Every Minute for 12 Minutes (2 rounds)
Minute 1:
6 Half Seated Turkish Presses (3 per side)
Minute 2:
6 Dual Dumbbell Turkish Sit-ups
Minute 3:
6 Elbow Plank Kettlebell Pull Throughs (3 per side)
Minute 4:
Single-arm KB Bottoms-Up Overhead Carry for 15 meters (50 feet/side)
Minute 5:
Mini Band Seal Walks for 15 meters (50 feet)
Minute 6:
Sandbag Bearhug Hold for 40 seconds (as heavy as possible)
Time Window: 12 mins
D. Every 90 Seconds x 5 Sets
3 Deficit Kipping Parallette Handstand Push-ups @ 30/25 cm (12/10 inches)
1 Pegboard Climb or 1 Seated Legless Rope Climb
3 Deficit Kipping Parallette Handstand Push-ups @ 30/25 cm
Record total time across all sets.
Scoring: Time (lower is better)
Time Window: 10-12 mins
E. Rack Deadlift
4 sets of 4-6 reps, using 8/10 RPE (heavier than 2 weeks ago)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Time Window: 10-12 mins