Monday 23/09/2014
A. Warmup (0-15 mins)
General Warmup (0-5 mins)
5 minutes on the machine of your choice
General warmup
Clean and Jerk Warmup (5-10 mins)
5 minutes specific clean and jerk preparation
Specific Workout Prep (10-15 mins)
2-3 sets:
30 sec Assault Bike, increase pace every 10 seconds to reach goal pace
3-4 Wall Balls
3-4 Chest-to-Bar (CTB) Pull-ups
3-4 Thrusters
3-4 Box Jump Overs
Rest 90 sec between sets
Time to complete: 15 minutes
B. Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 9 Minutes
Minute 1-3: 3 Power Clean and Jerks @ 67% 1RM
Minute 4: Max Power Clean and Jerks @ 67% 1RM for 1 minute
Minute 5: Rest
Minute 6-8: 2 Power Clean and Jerks @ 77% 1RM
Minute 9: Max Power Clean and Jerks @ 77% 1RM for 1 minute
Time to complete: 9 minutes
C. Back Squat
Set 1: 8 reps @ 65% 1RM
Set 2: 8 reps @ 70% 1RM
Set 3: 6 reps @ 80% 1RM
Set 4: 6 reps @ 85% 1RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Time to complete: 10-15 minutes
D. Partner Workout
Working Alternating / You Go I Rest
Part A (8-Minute AMRAP)
80 Wall Ball Shots (Target: 3 meters/9 feet; Weight: 9 kg/20 lbs or 6 kg/14 lbs M/F)
70 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Kipping Pull ups or Toes to Bar
AMRAP Assault Bike calories in the remaining time.
Rest 2minutes
Part B (8-Minute AMRAP)
80 Barbell Thrusters (43 kg/95 lbs or 29.5 kg/65 lbs M/F)
70 Box Jumps (60 cm/24 inches or 50 cm/20 inches M/F)
AMRAP Row calories in the remaining time.
Score: Total Calories Completed on Each Part
Note: Step down required for Box Jumps
Time to complete: 20 minutes
A. Warmup (0-15 mins)
General Warmup (0-5 mins)
5 minutes on the machine of your choice
General warmup
Clean and Jerk Warmup (5-10 mins)
5 minutes specific clean and jerk warmup
Specific Workout Prep (10-15 mins)
2-3 sets:
30 sec Assault Bike, increase pace every 10 seconds to reach goal pace
3-4 Wall Balls
3-4 Chest-to-Bar (CTB) Pull-ups
3-4 Thrusters
3-4 Box Jump Overs
Rest 90 sec between sets
Time to complete: 15 minutes
B. Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 14 Minutes
Minute 1-3: 3 Power Clean and Jerks @ 67% 1RM
Minute 4: Max Power Clean and Jerks @ 67% 1RM for 1 minute
Minute 5: Rest
Minute 6-8: 2 Power Clean and Jerks @ 77% 1RM
Minute 9: Max Power Clean and Jerks @ 77% 1RM for 1 minute
Minute 10: Rest
Minute 11-13: 1 Power Clean and Jerk @ 87% 1RM
Minute 14: Max Power Clean and Jerks @ 87% 1RM for 1 minute
All percentages based on 1RM Power Clean and Jerk or estimated 1RM
Time to complete: 14 minutes
C. Back Squat
Set 1: 8 reps @ 65% 1RM
Set 2: 8 reps @ 70% 1RM
Set 3: 6 reps @ 80% 1RM
Set 4: 6 reps @ 85% 1RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Time to complete: 10-15 minutes
D. Strength Work (Every 4 minutes x 2-3 sets)
8 Rear Foot Elevated DB Goblet Split Squats/side
10 Band Assisted Glute Ham Raises (3-5 sec eccentric)
30 sec Wall Sit (Parallel)
30 sec AMRAP Long Lever Hamstring Oscillations (on Foam Roller)
Time to complete: 12-16 minutes
E. Chipper Workout (For Time)
50 Wall Ball Shots (Target: 3 meters/9 feet; Weight: 9 kg/20 lbs or 6.4 kg/14 lbs)
50 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Assault Bike: 50/40 calories
50 Barbell Thrusters (43 kg/95 lbs or 29.5 kg/65 lbs)
50 Box Jumps (60 cm/24 inches or 50 cm/20 inches)
Assault Bike: 50/40 calories
Time Cap: 24 minutes
Note: Step down required for Box Jumps
Time to complete: 24 minutes
Intent and Strategy
We are now in week three of the "CrossFit Tester/Hopper Style" program. This long Chipper-style workout mimics a CrossFit qualifier with high-powered movements. A solid pacing plan and proper warmup are essential to success. Focus on pushing 1-2 movements aggressively to find your limits during this extended session.
Total time to complete session: 65-70 minutes
F. Extra Credit Part 1
10 Forward Rolls from Handstands
Accumulate 10 reps for quality
Hold the handstand for 3 seconds, bend arms as for HSPU, tuck chin, and roll
G. Extra Credit Part 2 (3 sets)
In a wall-facing handstand:
12 Handstand Rocks + Forward Roll
Rest 30-45 sec
10 Shoulder Taps + Forward Roll
Rest 30-45 sec
6 Hip Taps + Forward Roll
Rest 2 minutes
Total time to complete Extra Credit: 15-20 minutes