
Tall Split Jerks

  • Forehead/Chin/Chest level

  • 6 sets of 1 rep

  • Rest 60 seconds between sets

  • Use light load; focus on technique: lockout, footwork, speed

  • Alternate forward foot each set for balance

Split Jerk

  • 5 sets of 1 rep at 75-85% of your max

  • Rest as needed

Handstand Strength

  • 8 elevated plate climbs (wall-facing)

  • Perform 5 sets

  • Rest 60-90 seconds

  • Alternate lead hand each step

  • Start with a small plate; if you complete the set unbroken and controlled, increase height. If not, stay at the current height.

Alternating Sets (3 rounds):

  • A.  Ring Top Support

    • Hold for 30-40 seconds

    • Rest 30 seconds

  • B. Wall-Facing Handstand Hold

    • Hold for 30-40 seconds

    • Rest 30 seconds

  • C. Max Hand Release Push-Ups

    • Perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in 1 minute


Option 1:

Tall Split Jerks

  • Forehead/Chin/Chest level

  • 6 sets of 1 rep

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets

  • Use light load; focus on technique: lockout, footwork, speed

  • Alternate forward foot each set for balance

Split Jerk

  • 5 sets of 1 rep at 75-85% of your max

  • Rest as needed

Option 2:

Strict Ring Dip

  • 3 sets of 18/14 reps

  • Rest 3 minutes between sets

  • Start unassisted; if you hit failure, quickly use a band to finish the reps

Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

  • 3 sets of 15 seconds

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets

  • Add a band if needed


Core Finisher

  • Paused Arch to Hollow Swing

  • 3 sets of 6-8 reps

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets

  • 1-second pause in each position; 1 hollow + 1 arch = 1 rep

  • Keep it super "strict"

    Alternating Sets (3 rounds):

A. Barbell Be11nch Press

  • 6 reps at 75-80% of your max

  • Rest 30 seconds

B. Wall Walks

  • Perform 5 reps with a focus on speed

  • Rest 30 seconds

C. Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups

  • Perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in 1 minute


Wednesday 05/06/2024


Monday 03/06/2024