Wednesday 12/06/2024


Every 2:30 for 7:30 (3 sets)

  • 8 Barbell Hip Thrusts

 As Many Reps as Possible in 15 Minutes

  • 12 Lateral Burpees OTBar

  • 10 Unbroken Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • 12 Lateral Burpees OTBar

  • 10 Unbroken Power Clean and Jerks @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

    • All sets must be unbroken, adjust weight if needed.

    • Dropping the bar is not allowed.

    • Goal: 5 - 7 rounds

Extra Credit - Toes-to-Bar Skill

Option 1: Got None

  • Accumulate 3 sets of 6-8 Arch to Hollow on bar (legs together and straight in arch)

  • Accumulate 3 sets of 6-8 Arch to Knee Tuck (bring knees up to hip height in front swing, legs straight in back)

  • Accumulate 3 sets of 6-8 TTB with straight legs in arch (bend knees if needed to touch bar)

  • Accumulate 3 sets of 6-8 TTB (look straight ahead, keep same points from "C")

  • Notes: Always return to straight leg position in the arch

Option 2: Got Some

  • 6-10 Unbroken TTB

  • Rest: 10 seconds

  • Repeat until failure

  • Rest: 5 minutes between sets

  • Repeat: 2-5 sets

  • Cap: 80 total reps for the day

  • Notes: Maintain the same rep scheme throughout


3 Alternating Sets

Maximal Isometric Snatch Grip Pin Pull

  • 10 seconds: Bar at mid-thigh, ramp from 60% to 100% effort within the 10 seconds

  • Rest: 10 seconds

    1.1.1 Power Snatches @ 65%

  • Reps: 1.1.1 (rest 5-10 seconds between reps)

  • Notes: Find a tough cluster for the day, avoid going below parallel. Terminate if you start to squat or starfish. Focus on powerful hip extension and a strong, technical catch in the power position.

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets

Landmine Full Contact Twists

  • 3 sets of 10 reps @ Max Load

  • Rest: 1 minute between sets

  • Notes: Increase speed each rep, focus on powerful hip rotation, not lower back

Every 2:30 for 7:30 (3 sets)

  • 8 Barbell Hip Thrusts

  • Goal: Heavier than the set of 10 from 2 weeks ago for all 3 sets

As Many Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes

  • 12 Unbroken Toes-to-Bar (TTB)

  • 15 Unbroken Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • 12 Unbroken Pull-Ups

  • 15 Unbroken Bench Presses @ 40%

  • Goal: Complete as many rounds as possible

  • Notes:

    • All sets must be unbroken

    • Cap at 7 rounds


This is week 4 of our hinge/barbell cycling progressions. Expect this to challenge your grip, so warm up your forearms well.


Complete each movement unbroken. Rest as needed between movements to maintain unbroken sets.


This should challenge your posterior chain with moderate global fatigue.

Extra Credit Part 1

Wall Facing Single Arm Handstand Hold

  • 3 sets: 10-20 seconds each

  • Rest: As needed

  • Notes: Alternate arm each set

Extra Credit Part 2

1. 30 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps

  • Reps: 15/side, alternating

  • Rest: 1 minute

2. 6 Wall Walks

  • No rest between wall walks

3. 10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

  • Goal: Complete as fast as possible each set

  • Rest: 2:30 between sets

Extra Credit Part 3

3 Sets, Each for Time

  • 25 sec freestanding handstand hold in 4x4 box

  • 75 ft Handstand Walk (HSW)

  • Rest: 1-2 minutes between sets

  • Notes: Does not need to be unbroken