Wednesday 05/06/2024


Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 8 Minutes

  • 2 Hang Power Cleans

    • Start at ~70% of estimated 1RM HPC.

    • Increase weight slightly each set.

    • Quick drop/reset between reps (not touch-and-go).

    • Focus on powerful hip extension and strong, technical front rack catch.


Every 6 minutes for 18 minutes (3 Sets):

For Time:

  • 250m Row

  • 7 Ground to Overhead (60/40kg)

  • 9 Deadlifts (60/40kg)

  • 12 Toes To Bar

  • 250m Row

Extra Credit - Toes to Bar Skill

Option 1: Beginner

  • Arch to Hollow on Bar: 3 sets of 5 reps, legs straight.

  • Arch to Knee Tuck: 3 sets of 5 reps, knees to hip height in front swing, legs straight in back.

  • Toes to Bar (TTB): 3 sets of 5 reps, legs straight in arch, knees can bend to touch bar.

  • TTB with Forward Gaze: 3 sets of 5 reps, same points as above but look straight ahead instead of the bar.

*Always return to straight leg position in the arch.

Option 2: Intermediate

  • 3-5 Unbroken V-ups.

  • Rest 5 seconds.

  • Repeat until failure.

  • Rest 5 minutes.

  • Complete 2-4 sets.

    • Cap at 80 reps total.

    • Maintain initial rep scheme throughout (e.g., if you start with 4 reps, continue with 4).


Alternating Sets (3 rounds)

1. Maximal Isometric Clean Grip Pin Pull

  • Hold for 10 seconds.

  • Ramp effort from 60% to 100% within the 10 seconds.

  • Rest 2 minutes.

2. Half Kneeling Single Leg Lateral Jumps

  • 5 reps per side.

  • Reset between each rep to maintain power.

Rest fully between rounds to ensure maximal power.

Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 8 Minutes

  • 2 Hang Power Cleans

    • Start at ~70% of estimated 1RM HPC.

    • Increase weight slightly each set.

    • Quick drop/reset between reps (not touch-and-go).

    • Focus on powerful hip extension and strong, technical front rack catch.

Workout - Part 1

6-8 Sets:

  • 200m Skierg

  • 10 Double Dumbbell Power Snatches (22.5/15.5kg)

  • 12 Toes to Bar

  • 10 Deadlifts (70.5/50kg)

  • 200m Skierg

Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Workout - Part 2


  • 15 minutes easy cooldown.

Alternating Sets (2 rounds)

1.  Barbell Deficit Deadlifts (2020 Tempo)

  • 10 reps.

  • 2" deficit.

  • 8/10 RPE, focus on extra ROM and glute drive.

  • No rest between exercises.

2. GHD Hip Extensions

  • 12-15 reps.

  • Rest 1 minute.

3. Gliding Leg Curls with Hip Extensions on Rower

  • 15 reps.

  • Use grips/straps to assist grip if needed.

  • Constant tension, no pause between reps.

  • Rest as needed.

If available, use a seated leg curls machine for F3. Only rest between F2 and F3.

Extra Credit Part 1

4-5 Sets:

  • Weighted Strict False Grip Pull-Up

    • 3 sets of 2.2.2 reps.

    • Rest 2:30 between sets.

Extra Credit Part 2

3 Sets:

  • Strict Ring Muscle Up Eccentric

    • 12-15 reps.

    • Rest 2:30 between sets.

    • Accumulate reps as slow and controlled as possible through the transition.

Extra Credit Part 3

4 Sets:

  • Inverted Barbell Row (feet elevated)

    • Max reps.

    • Rest as needed.

    • AMRAP (-1) each set.

    • Slow/controlled tempo, adjust body angle to reach chest to bar, aim for at least 5 tough reps per set.

Extra Credit Part 4

3 Alternating Sets: 

1. Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows

  • 10 reps per side (heavy, aim for same load as last week).

  • Rest 1 minute.

2. False Grip Chest to Rings Hold

  • Hold for max duration.

  • Accumulate 25 total seconds.

  • Rest 1 minute.

3. Circular Scap Pull-Ups

  • 6-8 reps per direction each set.

  • Rest 1 minute.

Extra Credit Part 5

Upper Body Mobility Focus: