Tuesday 30/05/2023
““Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Embrace the challenge, overcome your limits, and transform into the best version of yourself. This week, leave it all on the floor and make every rep count!””
- 10 minutes to find your max hold time for each style:
- First hold: Nose to wall realise
- Second hold: back to wall release
- Third hold: Free standing
Continuous 27-Minute Workout: (3sets)
- 3 minutes of rowing
- 3 minutes of biking
- 3 minutes of skiing
- All at 60-65% of maximum heart rate
Shoulder/Wrist Prep:
- Reverse Push-Ups on Wrists: 8-10 reps, knees supported
- False Grip Passive Hang with Ring Turnout: 5-15 seconds
- Accumulate 3-8 reps with a 1-second pause in 6 positions: Top of dip, 1/4 dip, Bottom of dip, Rings to chest, 1/4 hang, Bottom of hang
- 10 minutes to find your max hold time for each style:
- First hold: No hand movement
- Second hold: Hand movement in a 4ft x 4ft box
- Third hold: Hand movement in a 4ft x 4ft box with legs straddled
Continuous 45-Minute Workout:
- 3 minutes of rowing
- 3 minutes of biking
- 3 minutes of skiing
- All at 60-65% of maximum heart rate